Question 1 : How many posts are reserved for women at all levels in Panchayati Raj System
- One- third
- Half
- Two-thirds
- One-fourth
Question 2 : Panchayati Raj System is based on the vision of
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Vinoba Bhave
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Question 3 : To which type of engineers can code of ethicsconceived by professional engineering societies be of any use
- Engineers who are licensed professionals
- Engineers who belong to professional engineering societies
- Engineers who are working in Public Sector Enterprise
- All those people who engage in engineering practice
Question 4 : With reference to the Human Poverty Index, consider the following statements: (1) It is used by UNDP to measure Human Development (2) It is a non-income measure (3) Often the Human Poverty Index is less revealing than the Human Development Index. Which of the above statements are correct
- 1 and 2 only
- 1 and 3 only
- 2 and 3 only
- 1,2 and 3
Question 5 : Which statement is true about Panchayati Raj
- The panchayat samiti and zila parishad should be constituted with directly elected members.
- Minimum age should be 18 years to contest elction at the panchayat level
- Election of the Panchayati Raj institutions is conducted under the guidance of the State Election Commission.
- For the financial review of Panchayats, the state Finance Commission is established after 6 years
Question 6 : Which of the following description best describes the principles concerning professional ethics
- Professional duties must be judged by ethical standards independent of time, place and circumstance
- Judigng professional dutiesalways involves reciprocal adjustment between ends and means
- Professional dutiesmust by nature be deontological, i.e. he end must not come at the cost of the means
- Professional duties must be judgedonly by what they achieve in line with the ends prescribed by the ideals of business
Question 7 : Which of the following is not compulsary under 73rd amendment
- Organizing gram sabha
- 3 tier system
- Providing reservation for backward classes
- Constitution os state election commission
Question 8 : Which is not a type of ethics
- Community Ethics
- Business ethics
- Personal ethics
- Professional ethics
Question 9 : The 73rd amendment allocates seats in the panchayat to what groups other tham women, and how many seats do these groups get
- SC and ST in proportion to their population
- One seat per minority tribe abd one seat for each caste
- Two, a man and a woman, for each SC or ST
- 1/3 of all seats are divided amongst women, SC and ST
Question 10 : Which of the following article is related to the Panchayati Raj
- Article 243
- Article 324
- Article 124
- Article 73
Question 11 : Which of the following is not one of the factors relatd to HDI
- Longevity
- Literacy
- Decent standard of living
- Increase in government jobs
Question 12 : Which of the following is an appropriate general principle with regard to engineering ethics
- The engineer shall regard his duty to the public welfare as paramount to all other obligations
- The engineer shall regard his duty to the objectives of the company as paramount to all other obligations
- The engineer shall regard his duty to the Profession of engineering as paramount to all other obligations
- The engineer shall regard his duty to his excellence as paramount to all other obligations
Question 13 : The Human Development Index ranks the countries based on their performance in the key areas of (1) health, (2) sex-ratio, (3)education (4) access to resources
- 1,2,3
- 2,3,4
- 1,3,4
- 1,2,4
Question 14 : Which statement is not correct regarding Gram Sabha
- It is a body consisting of persons registered in the electoral rolls of a village comprised within the area of the Panchayat level.
- It is a village assembly consisting of all the registered voters in the area of the Panchayat.
- Its powers have been determined by the Central Government
- Its powers and functions at village level are like state legislature at the state level
Question 15 : The 73rd constitutional amendment act was passed in
- Year 1991
- Year 1992
- Year 1994
- Year 1997
Question 16 : How many tiers are there in the Panchayati Raj system in India
- One tier
- Two tier
- Three tier
- Four tier
Question 17 : The power and functions of the Panchayats are listed in which schedule of the constitution
- Tenth
- eleventh
- Twelfth
- Thirteenth
Question 18 : Which schedule was added to the constitution by the 73rd constitutional amendment
- 6th
- 7th
- 9th
- 11th
Question 19 : Which of the following actions can be termed as a breach of professional ethics
- A physician who refers his patients to a specialist in return of monetary favours
- A teacger whio refuses to coach her student privately for money
- A football coach who hires a non-partisan selector to select his team
- An engineer who refuses to sign an incorrect report
Question 20 : Which one of the following introduced the concept of Human Development?
- Paul Krugman.
- Dr. Mahbub-Ul-Haq.
- Prof. Amartya Sen.
- Ratzel.
Question 21 : What was the main purpose behind bringing Panchayati Raj System in India
- To prevent criminalization of politics
- Development of villages
- Decentralization of political power to the general people
- To reduce election expenditure
Question 22 : Who releases HDI reports
- World Bank
- United Nations
- World Economic Forum
Question 23 : The G.V.K.Rao committee was appointed by
- Government of India
- Planning Commission
- Block development office
- Zilla Parishad
Question 24 : The provisions of 73rd amendment act can be grouped as
- Compulsory
- vouluntary
- both
- none
Question 25 : The multi-dimensional poverty index is a measure developed by the
- World Bank
- International Monetary Fund IMF
- Oxford poverty and human development initiative , OPHDI , and the UNDP
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