Structured & Object Oriented Analysis And Design MCQ

Question 1 : A cost that occurs in proportion to some usage factor is called

  1. fixed cost
  2. list cost
  3. variable cost
  4. closed cost

Question 2 : For predictive SDLC, which statement interprets it correct

  1. approach that assumes that the development project can be planned and organized in advance and that the new information system can be developed according to the plan.
  2. Approach when the exact requirements of a system or the users’ needs are not well understood
  3. developers must be flexible and adapt the project as it progresses
  4. Systems having high technical risk.

Question 3 : Data can not flow from

  1. external entity to process
  2. process to store and back
  3. process to process
  4. entity to store

Question 4 : Analysts can apply rules while developing the DFDs or during a separate quality check after preparing DFD drafts, which rule does not belong to DFDs

  1. Minimizing Complexity
  2. Ensuring Data Flow Consistency
  3. rule of 7 ± 2
  4. Classes are defined clearly

Question 5 : In OOAD ___diagram is mostly used

  1. Entity Relationship Diagram
  2. Class Diagram
  3. Context Diagram
  4. Data flow Diagram

Question 6 : Visibility in design class means

  1. a notation of whether an attribute can be directly accessed by another object
  2. a notation that shows all of the information needed to invoke the method
  3. a notation that shows some of the information needed to call method
  4. a notation of whether an methods will be invoked

Question 7 : From given options one is important stakeholder

  1. Entry level personnel
  2. Middle level stakeholder
  3. Users of the software
  4. Managers

Question 8 : What does a deployment diagram does not consists of

  1. Computational resource
  2. Communication path between resource
  3. Artifacts that execute resource
  4. Element

Question 9 : From developer point of view______is also a requirement

  1. Both Portability and maintainability
  2. Portability
  3. Maintainability
  4. Availability

Question 10 : This layer contains the user interface in layered architecture

  1. View Layer
  2. Business Logic Layer
  3. Data Layer
  4. Process Layer

Question 11 : User requirements are determined to ____

  1. determine whether information is needed by an organization
  2. determine what information is needed by an organization
  3. determine how information needed by an organization can be provided
  4. determine when information is to be given

Question 12 : one condition in activity diagram is a guard condition which helps___

  1. the trigger for a transition, which causes the object to leave the origin state
  2. a description of the activities performed as part of a transition
  3. a sequential set of connected states and transitions
  4. a true/false test to see whether a transition can fire

Question 13 : The candidate systems matrix documents similarities and differences between candidate systems. Which statement is correct for the same

  1. The columns of the matrix represent characteristics that differentiate the candidates.
  2. The columns of the matrix represent methods to solve issues
  3. The rows of the matrix represent characteristics that differentiate the candidates.
  4. The rows of the matrix represent methods to solve issues

Question 14 : Moving from analysis model to design model, which of the following diagram is made in design phase.

  1. Use-case diagram
  2. CRC model
  3. State diagram
  4. Class realizations

Question 15 : A manufacturing company wants to keep track of products. What will be the usecase in this statement?

  1. Manufacturing company
  2. keeps track of products
  3. products
  4. Company product

Question 16 : In ___UML diagram use cases also used to show different activities

  1. Use-case diagram
  2. Activity diagram
  3. Deployment Diagram
  4. Class Diagram

Question 17 : Have we specified in detail how and where the system will store all of the information needed by the organization? this question is which point of designing.

  1. Design the application architecture and software
  2. Design the user interface(s)
  3. Design the system interface(s)
  4. Design and integrate the database.

Question 18 : studentId is the primary key attribute found in analysis of class. What would be the correct design class representation?

  1. studentID: integer
  2. studentID: float
  3. -studentID: integer {key}
  4. studentID: + float

Question 19 : _____diagrams used to distribute files, libraries, and tables across topology of hardware

  1. deployment diagrams
  2. use case diagrams
  3. sequence diagrams
  4. collaboration diagrams

Question 20 : In which kind of architecture does thin client or thick client can be implemented?

  1. File Server System
  2. Stand alone system
  3. System with LAN
  4. Client Server System

Question 21 : Modification in the system development is due to

  1. new computers are introduced in the market
  2. user’s requirements change
  3. new software tools become available in the market
  4. other similar organization modify these system

Question 22 : System Flowchart of traditional approach to design is made after

  1. Use-case diagram
  2. Class Diagram
  3. Data Flow Diagram
  4. Sequence Diagram

Question 23 : The main objective of feasibility study is

  1. to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware
  2. to assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications
  3. to assist the management in implementing the desired system
  4. to remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system

Question 24 : To describe any part of system in UML _____are used

  1. Behavioral things
  2. Grouping things
  3. Structural things
  4. Annotational things

Question 25 : The Golden Rules in system design include

  1. Place the Program in Control
  2. Increase the User's Memory Load
  3. Offer Informative Feedback
  4. Disclose information together.
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