Artificial Intelligence And Soft Computing MCQ - QPkendra

Question 1 : Web crawler is a ....

  1. Intelligent goal-based agent
  2. Problem-Solving agent
  3. Simple reflex agent
  4. Model based agent

Question 2 : Neural Network contain highly interconnected processing elements called as,

  1. Impulses
  2. Neurons
  3. Weights
  4. Data

Question 3 : α -> β is FALSE only when α is .......... and β is ............


Question 4 : Which basic logical operation cannot perform by single layer McCulloch Pitts model?

  1. XOR
  2. AND
  3. OR
  4. NOT

Question 5 : What is the space complexity of Depth-first search with branching factor b and maximum depth m

  1. O(b)
  2. O(bl)
  3. O(m)
  4. O(bm)

Question 6 : ______________ is the first operator applied on population

  1. Reproduction
  2. Recombination
  3. Mutation
  4. Crossover

Question 7 : What is key advantage of local search algorithms?

  1. Less memory
  2. More time
  3. Less memory & Finds a solution in large infinite space
  4. Finds a solution in large infinite space

Question 8 : Which approach is most suited to complex problems with significant uncertainty, a need for experimentation, and time compression?

  1. Simulation
  2. human intuition
  3. Optimization
  4. genetic algorithms

Question 9 : The inference engine is..............

  1. A method of organizing expert system knowledge into chunks.
  2. The programming environment of an expert system.
  3. A strategy used to search through the rule base in an expert system.
  4. A strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with information entered by the user

Question 10 : Three main basic features involved in characterizing membership function are

  1. Intuition, Inference, Rank Ordering
  2. Fuzzy Algorithm, Neural network, Genetic Algorithm
  3. Core, Support, Boundary
  4. Weighted Average, center of Sums, Median

Question 11 : It contains fuzzy IF-THEN rules.

  1. fuzzification unit
  2. Decision-making Unit
  3. Rule base
  4. data base

Question 12 : Which form is called as a conjunction of disjunction of literals?

  1. Conjunctive normal form
  2. Disjunctive normal form
  3. Normal form
  4. First normal form

Question 13 : The “Turing Test” is …

  1. a test devised by Alan Turing to determine whether a secret code is breakable
  2. a test to determine whether a Turing Machine will halt
  3. a test of whether a machine is intelligent prescribed by Turing​ ​
  4. testing the accuracy of a program

Question 14 : Give the height h(A) of a fuzzy set A where μA(χ)={0.2,0.5.,0.6,0.1,0.9}

  1. 0.5
  2. 0.1
  3. 1
  4. 0.9

Question 15 : Consider a fuzzy set A defined on the interval X = [0, 10] of integers by the membership function μA(x) = x / (x+2) Then the α cut corresponding to α = 0.5 will be

  1. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
  2. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
  3. {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
  4. {0,0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Question 16 : Fuzzification Inference Unit converts ........ input into ........set

  1. Crisp, Fuzzy
  2. Fuzzy, Crisp
  3. Crisp, Crisp
  4. Fuzzy,Fuzzy

Question 17 : Fuzzy logic is :

  1. Used to respond to questions in a humanlike way
  2. A new programming language used to program animation
  3. The result of fuzzy thinking
  4. A term that indicates logical values greater than one

Question 18 : Which of the following sentences represent “No politician is honest”?

  1. ∃x (¬(politician(x)) ---> ¬(honest(x)))
  2. ∀x (politician(x) ∧ ¬(honest(x)))
  3. ∀x (politician(x) ---> ¬(honest(x)))
  4. ∃x (honest(x) ---> ¬(politician(x)))

Question 19 : Fuzzy controllers are built on the basis of .........

  1. Fuzzy Extension principle
  2. Membership function
  3. Fuzzy Inference Systems
  4. Fuzzy variables

Question 20 : _____ fuzzy membership function is defined by a lower limit 'a', an upper limit 'b', and a value 'm', where a < m < b

  1. Trapozoidal
  2. Triangular
  3. Sigmoidal
  4. Increasing

Question 21 : Properties of fuzzy sets is

  1. Intersection
  2. Union
  3. Compliment
  4. Commutative

Question 22 : How many layers are there in adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) ?

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 4

Question 23 : What are you predicting by : ∀x mushroom(x) ˄ violet(x) --> poisonous(x) ?

  1. There is a violet mushroom, which is poisonous
  2. All mushrooms are poisonous
  3. All violet mushrooms are poisonous
  4. Violet mushrooms are not poisonous

Question 24 : An agent is composed of .............

  1. Architecture
  2. Agent Function
  3. Perception Sequence
  4. Architecture and Program

Question 25 : A full cycle of the downhill simplex search involves the following steps

  1. Reflection, Expansion, Contraction, Shrinkage
  2. Expansion, Contraction, Shrinkage, Reflection
  3. Contraction, Shrinkage, Reflection, Expansion
  4. Shrinkage, Reflection, Expansion, Contraction

Question 26 : Which of the following are the drawbacks of Hill Climbing?

  1. Hill Climbing is not an informed search algorithm
  2. It is not complicated
  3. The search may get stuck at a local optimum
  4. Hill Climbing requires an exponential amount of memory

Question 27 : ______________ offers a way to avoid solving hard representation problems by outsourcing all genetic operators to outside agents

  1. Automated Genetic Algorithm
  2. Intelligent Genetic Algorithm
  3. Best Genetic Algorithm
  4. Human-based Genetic Algorithm

Question 28 : Genetic algorithm uses_________________ to determine optimization

  1. fit function
  2. fitness function
  3. active function
  4. strength function

Question 29 : The mutation operator that replaces genome with upper or lower boundary randomly is

  1. Flip
  2. Boundary
  3. Uniform
  4. Gaussian

Question 30 : The space complexity of _____ is better than _______.

  1. BFS, DFS
  2. DFS, BFS
  3. BFS, Depth Limited Search
  • chevron_left
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • chevron_right