Question 1 : Web crawler is a ....
- Intelligent goal-based agent
- Problem-Solving agent
- Simple reflex agent
- Model based agent
Question 2 : Neural Network contain highly interconnected processing elements called as,
- Impulses
- Neurons
- Weights
- Data
Question 3 : α -> β is FALSE only when α is .......... and β is ............
Question 4 : Which basic logical operation cannot perform by single layer McCulloch Pitts model?
- OR
Question 5 : What is the space complexity of Depth-first search with branching factor b and maximum depth m
- O(b)
- O(bl)
- O(m)
- O(bm)
Question 6 : ______________ is the first operator applied on population
- Reproduction
- Recombination
- Mutation
- Crossover
Question 7 : What is key advantage of local search algorithms?
- Less memory
- More time
- Less memory & Finds a solution in large infinite space
- Finds a solution in large infinite space
Question 8 : Which approach is most suited to complex problems with significant uncertainty, a need for experimentation, and time compression?
- Simulation
- human intuition
- Optimization
- genetic algorithms
Question 9 : The inference engine is..............
- A method of organizing expert system knowledge into chunks.
- The programming environment of an expert system.
- A strategy used to search through the rule base in an expert system.
- A strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with information entered by the user
Question 10 : Three main basic features involved in characterizing membership function are
- Intuition, Inference, Rank Ordering
- Fuzzy Algorithm, Neural network, Genetic Algorithm
- Core, Support, Boundary
- Weighted Average, center of Sums, Median
Question 11 : It contains fuzzy IF-THEN rules.
- fuzzification unit
- Decision-making Unit
- Rule base
- data base
Question 12 : Which form is called as a conjunction of disjunction of literals?
- Conjunctive normal form
- Disjunctive normal form
- Normal form
- First normal form
Question 13 : The “Turing Test” is …
- a test devised by Alan Turing to determine whether a secret code is breakable
- a test to determine whether a Turing Machine will halt
- a test of whether a machine is intelligent prescribed by Turing
- testing the accuracy of a program
Question 14 : Give the height h(A) of a fuzzy set A where μA(χ)={0.2,0.5.,0.6,0.1,0.9}
- 0.5
- 0.1
- 1
- 0.9
Question 15 : Consider a fuzzy set A defined on the interval X = [0, 10] of integers by the membership function μA(x) = x / (x+2) Then the α cut corresponding to α = 0.5 will be
- {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
- {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
- {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
- {0,0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
Question 16 : Fuzzification Inference Unit converts ........ input into ........set
- Crisp, Fuzzy
- Fuzzy, Crisp
- Crisp, Crisp
- Fuzzy,Fuzzy
Question 17 : Fuzzy logic is :
- Used to respond to questions in a humanlike way
- A new programming language used to program animation
- The result of fuzzy thinking
- A term that indicates logical values greater than one
Question 18 : Which of the following sentences represent “No politician is honest”?
- ∃x (¬(politician(x)) ---> ¬(honest(x)))
- ∀x (politician(x) ∧ ¬(honest(x)))
- ∀x (politician(x) ---> ¬(honest(x)))
- ∃x (honest(x) ---> ¬(politician(x)))
Question 19 : Fuzzy controllers are built on the basis of .........
- Fuzzy Extension principle
- Membership function
- Fuzzy Inference Systems
- Fuzzy variables
Question 20 : _____ fuzzy membership function is defined by a lower limit 'a', an upper limit 'b', and a value 'm', where a < m < b
- Trapozoidal
- Triangular
- Sigmoidal
- Increasing
Question 21 : Properties of fuzzy sets is
- Intersection
- Union
- Compliment
- Commutative
Question 22 : How many layers are there in adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) ?
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 4
Question 23 : What are you predicting by : ∀x mushroom(x) ˄ violet(x) --> poisonous(x) ?
- There is a violet mushroom, which is poisonous
- All mushrooms are poisonous
- All violet mushrooms are poisonous
- Violet mushrooms are not poisonous
Question 24 : An agent is composed of .............
- Architecture
- Agent Function
- Perception Sequence
- Architecture and Program
Question 25 : A full cycle of the downhill simplex search involves the following steps
- Reflection, Expansion, Contraction, Shrinkage
- Expansion, Contraction, Shrinkage, Reflection
- Contraction, Shrinkage, Reflection, Expansion
- Shrinkage, Reflection, Expansion, Contraction
Question 26 : Which of the following are the drawbacks of Hill Climbing?
- Hill Climbing is not an informed search algorithm
- It is not complicated
- The search may get stuck at a local optimum
- Hill Climbing requires an exponential amount of memory
Question 27 : ______________ offers a way to avoid solving hard representation problems by outsourcing all genetic operators to outside agents
- Automated Genetic Algorithm
- Intelligent Genetic Algorithm
- Best Genetic Algorithm
- Human-based Genetic Algorithm
Question 28 : Genetic algorithm uses_________________ to determine optimization
- fit function
- fitness function
- active function
- strength function
Question 29 : The mutation operator that replaces genome with upper or lower boundary randomly is
- Flip
- Boundary
- Uniform
- Gaussian
Question 30 : The space complexity of _____ is better than _______.
- BFS, Depth Limited Search