High Performance Computing MCQ

Question 31 : Hazard are eliminated through renaming by renaming all

  1. Source register
  2. Memory
  3. Data
  4. Destination register

Question 32 : The situation wherein the data of operands are not available is called ______

  1. stock
  2. Deadlock
  3. data hazard
  4. structural hazard

Question 33 : types of HPC application

  1. Mass Media
  2. Business
  3. Management
  4. Science

Question 34 : A distributed operating system must provide a mechanism for

  1. intraprocessor communication
  2. intraprocess and intraprocessor communication
  3. interprocess and interprocessor communication
  4. interprocessor communication

Question 35 : This is computation not performed by the serial version

  1. Serial computation
  2. Excess computation
  3. serial computation
  4. parallel computing

Question 36 : The important feature of the VLIW is ______

  1. ILP
  2. Performance
  3. Cost effectiveness
  4. delay

Question 37 : The tightly coupled set of threads execution working on a single task ,that is called

  1. Multithreading
  2. Parallel processing
  3. Recurrence
  4. Serial processing

Question 38 : Parallel Algorithm Models

  1. Data parallel model
  2. Bit model
  3. Data model
  4. network model

Question 39 : Mpi_Recv used for

  1. reverse message
  2. receive message
  3. forward message
  4. Collect message

Question 40 : Status bit is also called

  1. Binary bit
  2. Flag bit
  3. Signed bit
  4. Unsigned bit

Question 41 : For inter processor communication the miss arises are called

  1. hit rate
  2. coherence misses
  3. comitt misses
  4. parallel processing

Question 42 : The interconnection topologies are implemented using _________ as a node.

  1. control unit
  2. microprocessor
  3. processing unit
  4. microprocessor or processing unit

Question 43 : _________ gives the theoretical speedup in latency of the execution of a task at fixed execution time

  1. Amdahl's
  2. Moor's
  3. metcalfe's
  4. Gustafson's law

Question 44 : The number and size of tasks into which a problem is decomposed determines the

  1. fine-grainularity
  2. coarse-grainularity
  3. sub Task
  4. granularity

Question 45 : MPI_Finalize used for

  1. Stop mpi environment program
  2. intitalise program
  3. Include header files
  4. program start

Question 46 : Private data that is used by a single processor then shared data are used

  1. Single processor
  2. Multi processor
  3. Single tasking
  4. Multi tasking

Question 47 : The time lost due to the branch instruction is often referred to as ____________

  1. Delay
  2. Branch penalty
  3. Latency
  4. control hazard

Question 48 : NUMA architecture uses _______in design

  1. cache
  2. shared memory
  3. message passing
  4. distributed memory

Question 49 : Divide and Conqure apporach is known for

  1. Sequentional algorithm development
  2. parallel algorithm develpoment
  3. Task defined algorithm
  4. Non defined Algorithm

Question 50 : The parallelism across branches require which scheduling

  1. Global scheduling
  2. Local Scheduling
  3. post scheduling
  4. pre scheduling

Question 51 : Parallel processing may occur

  1. In the data stream
  2. In instruction stream
  3. In network
  4. In transferring

Question 52 : Pipe-lining is a unique feature of _______.

  1. CISC
  2. RISC
  3. ISA
  4. IANA

Question 53 : In MPI programing MPI_char is the instruction for

  1. Unsign Char
  2. Sign character
  3. Long Char
  4. unsign long char

Question 54 : To increase the speed of memory access in pipelining, we make use of _______

  1. Special memory locations
  2. Special purpose registers
  3. Cache
  4. Buffer

Question 55 : If the value V(x) of the target operand is contained in the address field itself, the addressing mode is

  1. Immediate
  2. Direct
  3. Indirect
  4. Implied

Question 56 : In a multi-processor configuration two coprocessors are connected to host 8086 processor. The instruction sets of the two coprocessors

  1. must be same
  2. may overlap
  3. must be disjoint
  4. must be the same as that of host

Question 57 : A feature of a task-dependency graph that determines the average degree of concurrency for a given granularity is its ___________ path

  1. critical
  2. easy
  3. difficult
  4. ambiguous

Question 58 : MPI_send used for

  1. collect message
  2. transfer message
  3. send message
  4. receive message

Question 59 : What is usually regarded as the von Neumann Bottleneck

  1. Instruction set
  2. Arithmetic logical unit
  3. Processor/memory interface
  4. Control unit

Question 60 : An interface between the user or an application program, and the system resources is

  1. Microprocessor
  2. Microcontroller
  3. Multimicroprocessor
  4. operating system
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