Natural Language Processing MCQ

Question 1 : Which of the following is not a learning approach for QA system

  1. Unsupervised approach
  2. Supervised approach
  3. Knowledge based approach
  4. Sense disambiguation approach

Question 2 : Which of the following is not true input for the NLP?

  1. Image
  2. Text
  3. Types input
  4. Speech

Question 3 : How is the word "changing" lematized?

  1. chang
  2. changin
  3. chan
  4. change

Question 4 : Image summarization finds the most representative images within an _____ collection

  1. Text
  2. Image
  3. Sound
  4. Word

Question 5 : Which is not types of antonyms

  1. Polar antonyms
  2. Equipollent antonyms
  3. Overlapping antonyms
  4. Unipolar antonyms

Question 6 : Rule for removing suffix will be given in form “(Condition) S1 ® S2”, where S1 is suffix. If the condition is “(*d)” then which of the following is correct interpretation?

  1. The stem ends with S.
  2. The stem contain vowel.
  3. The stem ends with a double consonant (eg. -TT, -SS)
  4. The stem ends CVC, where second C is not W, X, or Y

Question 7 : What is the main challenge of NLP?

  1. Handling Tokenization
  2. Handling Ambiguity of Sentences
  3. Cleaning Text
  4. Filtering Text

Question 8 : Identify odd one out

  1. Noun phrase
  2. Verb phrase
  3. Prepositional phrase
  4. Sentences

Question 9 : "The car hit the pole while it was moving." what type of ambiguity exists in above sentence?

  1. Semantic
  2. Syntactic
  3. Lexical
  4. Pragmatic

Question 10 : Which is standard notation for characterizing text sequences?

  1. Regular expression
  2. Syntatic expression
  3. Semantic expression
  4. Specific expression

Question 11 : Dictionary-based sentiment analysis is a computational approach relies on a pre-defined list (or dictionary) of sentiment-laden words.

  1. probability model.
  2. a pre-defined list of sentiment-laden words.
  3. CRF
  4. HMM

Question 12 : What Creates Problems In Machine Translation?

  1. Different Level Of Ambiguities
  2. Processing Power
  3. Memory
  4. Diversity

Question 13 : TF-IDF helps in …....

  1. Finding the most frequently occurring word in the document
  2. Spelling Corrections
  3. Stemming and Lemmatization
  4. Removing stop words in the document

Question 14 : Given a sound clip of a person or people speaking, determine the textual representation of the speech.

  1. Text-to-speech
  2. Speech-to-text
  3. Speech recognition
  4. speech generation

Question 15 : What is Syntax Analysis?

  1. This only abstracts the dictionary meaning or the real meaning from the given context.
  2. This component transfers linear sequences of words into structures. It shows how the words are associated with each other.
  3. It deals with the overall communicative and social content and its effect on interpretation. It means abstracting or deriving the meaningful use of language in situations.
  4. It focuses about the proper ordering of words which can affect its meaning. This involves analysis of the words in a sentence by following the grammatical structure of the sentence. The words are transformed into the structure to show how the words are related to each other.

Question 16 : Human Usually Write ’M, To State Am, In Which Type Of Morphology You Can Categorize The Example?

  1. Plural Noun
  2. Cliticization
  3. Singular Noun
  4. Inflectional

Question 17 : Which of the following best describes grammar induction?

  1. Supervised learning problem
  2. Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) estimation problem
  3. Conditional Random Field problem and Unsupervised learning problem
  4. Reinforcement Learning

Question 18 : _________is the study of how the language is used to refer (and re-refer) to people and things?

  1. Morphology
  2. Syntatic
  3. Sementic
  4. Pragmatics

Question 19 : Which of the following is a kind of text summarization?

  1. Topic-based summarization
  2. Extraction-based summarization
  3. History-based summarization
  4. Summarizing a text or article

Question 20 : The words ‘there’ and ‘their’ causes which of the following type of ambiguity?

  1. Syntactic
  2. Semantic
  3. Phonological
  4. Pragmatic

Question 21 : Choose form the following areas where NLP can be useful

  1. Automatic Question-Answering Systems
  2. Mobile Computing
  3. Frontpage Designing
  4. Web Development

Question 22 : _________ Is the Third Stage in NLP?

  1. Syntactic Analysis
  2. Discourse Analysis
  3. Semantic Analysis
  4. Pragmatic Analysis

Question 23 : Porter Stemmer algorithm use for _______.

  1. Lemmatization
  2. Syntax Analysis
  3. Stemming
  4. Part of speech tagging

Question 24 : Who is the father of NLP?

  1. Enjamin Bandler
  2. Richard Bandler
  3. Elijah Bandler
  4. Marvin Minsky

Question 25 : This type of automata maps between two sets of symbols.

  1. DFA
  2. Turing Machine
  3. FST
  4. NFA

Question 26 : The english words through and threw are examples of____________

  1. Automymy
  2. Polysemy
  3. Synonymy
  4. Homophony

Question 27 : __ involves resolving words to their dictionary form

  1. Overstemming
  2. Understemming
  3. Lemmatization
  4. NER

Question 28 : Conceal - cover is a example of ________

  1. Antonym
  2. Synonym
  3. Polysemy
  4. Homonym

Question 29 : When Spelling Changes Upon Combination Of Words Added, Belong To Which Type Of Rule?

  1. Orthographic Rules
  2. Grammer Rules
  3. Bound Morpheme
  4. Free Morpheme

Question 30 : The standard approach to information retrieval system evaluation involves around the notion of:

  1. Quantity of documents in the collection
  2. Relevant and non relevant documents.
  3. Accuracy
  4. user happiness

Question 31 : What is the right order for a text classification model components 1. Text cleaning 2. Text annotation 3. Gradient descent 4. Model tuning 5. Text to predictors

  1. 12345
  2. 13425
  3. 12534
  4. 13452

Question 32 : Which of the following is true?

  1. Given a CFG and its corresponding CNF, they both produce the same language.
  2. For a given grammar, there can be only one CNF.
  3. It requires ‘2n+1’ productions or steps in CNF to generate a string w of length ‘n’.
  4. CFG and CNF both are same

Question 33 : The list of web pages that a web crawler has queued up to index is called the:

  1. Web Page Queue
  2. Seed set
  3. URL Filter
  4. URL Frontier

Question 34 : HMM is used in __________ phase of NLP.

  1. Syntactic
  2. Semantic
  3. Lexical
  4. Pragmatics

Question 35 : _________ Is The Type Of Morphology That Changes The Word Category And Affects The Meaning.

  1. Inflectional
  2. Derivational
  3. Cliticization
  4. Text-Proofing

Question 36 : "It is the inverse probability of the test data which is normalized by the number of words." This is the definition of

  1. Language Model
  2. N-gram
  3. Perplexity
  4. Laplace smoothing

Question 37 : In HMMs, spaces are connected via ______ matrices {T,A} to represent the probability of ________ from one state to another following their _____

  1. Transitions, Transitioning, Connections
  2. Attribute, Changing, groups
  3. Label, moving, sets
  4. Attribute, moving, sets

Question 38 : Which of the following features cannot be used for accuracy improvement of a classification model?

  1. Part of Speech Tag
  2. Dependency Grammar
  3. Vector Notation of sentence
  4. Linear regression

Question 39 : Perfect homonyms create problems in ..............

  1. Text Recognition
  2. Information Retrieval
  3. Text classification
  4. Speech Recognition

Question 40 : "I bought a beautiful dress at the mall". The part of speech of underline word is_____

  1. Preposition
  2. Adjective
  3. Noun
  4. Adverb

Question 41 : Famous PYTHON NLP Toolkit is

  1. NLTK
  2. Panda
  3. Stanford Core NLP
  4. spacy

Question 42 : Given a sentence or larger chunk of text, determine which words (“mentions”) refer to the same objects (“entities”)

  1. Anaphora Resolution
  2. Coreference Resolution
  3. Noun Resolution
  4. Pronoun Resolution

Question 43 : WordNet is the _______________ database

  1. Symbol
  2. Word
  3. Lexical
  4. Annotation

Question 44 : Headlines in newspaper: "Stolen gems found by Caves"

  1. Anaphoric Ambiguity
  2. Lexical Ambiguity
  3. Syntax Ambiguity
  4. Unknown Ambiguity

Question 45 : Among Which Of Following Models Identify Dependency Between Each State And The Entire Input Sequences

  1. Conditional Random Fields
  2. Maximum Entropy Markov Model
  3. Naive Bayes Model
  4. Depth-First Model

Question 46 : ----------is the study of internal structure of word.

  1. Morphological Processing
  2. Syntax Processing
  3. Parser
  4. Semantic Processing

Question 47 : If we want to capture a request, or perform an action, use an ________.

  1. entity
  2. content
  3. identity
  4. intent

Question 48 : Given a set of unigram and bigram probabilities, what is the probability of the following sequence ‘ do Sam I like’ according to the bigram language model? P(do|) = 2/11, P(do|Sam) = 1/11, P(Sam|) = 4/11, P(Sam|do) = 1/8, P(I|Sam) = 4/11, P(Sam|I) = 2/9, P(I|do) = 2/8, P(I|like) = 2/7, P(like|I) = 3/11, P(do) = 3/8, P(Sam) = 2/11, P(I) = 4/11, P(like) = 5/11

  1. 3/11 * 2/11 * 4/11 * 5/11
  2. 2/11 * 1/8 * 4/11 * 3/11
  3. 2/11 * 1/11 * 2/9 * 2/7
  4. 2/11 + 1/11 + 2/9 + 2/7

Question 49 : Which are words that have the same form but have different, unrelated meanings

  1. Polysemy
  2. Homonyms
  3. Synonymy
  4. Antonymy

Question 50 : What Type Of Ambiguity Exists In The Word Sequence “Time Flies”?

  1. Syntactic
  2. Semantic
  3. Phonological
  4. Anaphoric