Natural Language Processing MCQ

Question 601 : Which will be suitable NLP method For COVID 19 News Analysis from the online newspaers ?

  1. NER
  2. Machine Transltion
  3. Sentiment Analysis
  4. Text Summarization

Question 602 : What is significance of caret ^ in regular expression?

  1. If [ab ^ cd] means “ a or b ^ c and d”.
  2. If [^A-Z] means all uppercase nothing negated.
  3. If caret is first symbol after the open square brace “[” then resulting pattern is negated.
  4. If [^a-b] means all lowercase nothing negated.

Question 603 : Which Mt Systems Involve Low Computational Costs And Can Be Extended Easily?

  1. Retrival-Based Mt
  2. Example-Based Mt
  3. Speech-Based Mt
  4. Interlingua-Based Mt

Question 604 : Knowledge of the relationship of meaning to the goals and intentions of the speaker is

  1. Morphology
  2. Semantics
  3. Pragmatics
  4. Discourse

Question 605 : Which of the following is TRUE about CRF (Conditional Random Field) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model)?

  1. CRF is generative model and HMM is discriminative model
  2. Both CRF and HMM are generative model
  3. CRF is discriminative model and HMM is generative model
  4. Both CRF and HMM are discriminative model

Question 606 : In NLG ______includes retrieving the relevant content from knowledge base.

  1. Text planning
  2. Sentence planning
  3. Text Realization
  4. Text Mapping

Question 607 : Singular: knife, Plural : Knives Which rules are applied

  1. Morphological Rule
  2. Orthographic rule
  3. Mechanical Rule
  4. Dynamic Rule

Question 608 : A group of related documents against which information retrieval is employed is called:

  1. Corpus
  2. Text Database
  3. Index Collection
  4. Repository

Question 609 : What changes the letters from one alphabet or language into the corresponding, similar-sounding characters of another alphabet

  1. Summarization
  2. Translation
  3. Transliteration
  4. Transformation

Question 610 : What Is The Knowledge About Physical Situations Existing In The Surroundings At The Time Of Utterance?

  1. Situational Context
  2. Background Knowledge
  3. Co-Textual Context
  4. Operational Knowledge

Question 611 : Pronouns usually refer to entities that were introduced no further than one or two sentences back in the ongoing discourse, whereas ________________ can often refer further back.

  1. demonstratives
  2. indefinite noun phrase
  3. one anaphora
  4. definite noun phrases

Question 612 : How Many Steps Of Nlp Is There?

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Five
  4. Six

Question 613 : To identify the category of each word in a sentence

  1. Parsing
  2. POS
  3. Semantic Analysis
  4. Pragmatics

Question 614 : Mercedes is a ___ of luxury.

  1. Homonym
  2. Antonyms
  3. Synonyms
  4. Taxonomy

Question 615 : Idea behind maximum entropy is

  1. To build a distribution by continuously separating features.
  2. To build a distribution by continuously adding features.
  3. Ignore words feature and build a model
  4. Build a model from class to word.

Question 616 : Which Mt Systems Produce An Abstract Represenation Using Which, The Target Language Text Can Be Generated?

  1. Retrieval-Based Mt
  2. Example-Based Mt
  3. Speech-Based Mt
  4. Interlingua-Based Mt

Question 617 : Which of the following is the major problem in Machine Translation?

  1. Referential Ambiguity
  2. Stop word
  3. Emoticons
  4. Proper Noun

Question 618 : Google Translate is one of the ________________ application.

  1. Machine translation
  2. Information Retrieval
  3. Information Extraction
  4. Information Generation

Question 619 : In the English language derivational morphemes can be...

  1. Prefixes and Suffixes
  2. Suffixes only
  3. Infixes Only
  4. Prefixes, Suffixes and Infixes

Question 620 : Assume a corpus with 350 tokens in it. We have 20 word types in that corpus (V = 20). The frequency (unigram count) of word types “short” and “fork” are 25 and 15 respectively. Which of the following is the probability of “short” (PMLE(“short”))?

  1. 25/350
  2. 26/370
  3. 26/350
  4. 25/370

Question 621 : Which is the most suitable tecnhiqe for finding " Trendning Topic on Twitter"?

  1. Term Frequncy
  2. NER
  3. Tokenization
  4. Segmentation

Question 622 : What is the main challenge/s of NLP?

  1. Handling Ambiguity of Sentences
  2. Handling Tokenization
  3. Handling POS-Tagging
  4. parsing

Question 623 : A list of place names, often providing millions of entries for locations with detailed geographical and political information is called as:

  1. Encyclopaedia
  2. Dictionary
  3. Corpora
  4. Gazetteer

Question 624 : Which of the following will be POS Tagger output when the input sentence is "They refuse to permit"

  1. [('They', 'PRP'), ('refuse', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('permit', 'VB')]
  2. [('They', 'NN'), ('refuse', 'VBP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('permit', 'VB')]
  3. [('They', 'PRP'), ('refuse', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('permit', 'VB')]
  4. [('They', 'PRP'), ('refuse', 'VBP'), ('to', 'PRP'), ('permit', 'VB')]

Question 625 : HMMs are limited to only ________ states and only take into account the last known _____.

  1. Complete, Value
  2. Unobserved, Variable
  3. Hidden, Attribute
  4. Discrete, State

Question 626 : Which Application Of Nlp Deals With Mapping Of Acoustic Speech Signal To A Set Of Words

  1. Speech Recognition
  2. Machine Translation
  3. Speech Synthesis
  4. Information Retrieval

Question 627 : Economy is called a ___, a "higher level" term for hero and tata

  1. Prototype
  2. Experiencer
  3. Superordinate terms
  4. Superordinate

Question 628 : Semantic analysis doesn’t consist

  1. NER
  2. WSD
  3. NLG
  4. IP

Question 629 : In filtration process

  1. Special characters are removed from Devanagari script
  2. Stop word are removed
  3. Stemming is performed
  4. Bottom up parser is applied

Question 630 : Which of the following features can be used for accuracy improvement of a classification model?

  1. Part of Speech Tag
  2. Dependency Grammar
  3. Vector Notation of sentence
  4. Part of Speech Tag & Dependency Grammar & Vector Notation of sentence

Question 631 : How many trigrams phrases can be generated from the following sentence, after performing following text cleaning steps: Stopword Removal, Replacing punctuations by a single space? “#Coursera is a great platform to learn @Machine Learning.”?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Question 632 : Which Historical event is related to NLP

  1. First World War
  2. Second World War
  3. American Revolution
  4. French Revolution

Question 633 : Which of the following is an example of free morphene?

  1. un
  2. ful
  3. ly
  4. town

Question 634 : What Can Be Used To Disambiguate Word Senses

  1. Selectional Restrictions
  2. Independent Restrictions
  3. No Restrictions
  4. All Restrictions

Question 635 : Which Application Of Nlp Deals With Creation Of Summaries Of Documents

  1. Text Summarization
  2. Question Answering
  3. Information Extraction
  4. Information Retrieval

Question 636 : Our interpretation of the "meaning" of the sign is not based solely on the ___, but on what we think the writer intended to communicate.

  1. Anaphora
  2. Words
  3. Face
  4. Context

Question 637 : ____ principle states that the meaning of the whole sentence is comprised of the meaning of its parts that is the meaning of the sentence can be composed from the meaning of its constituent words

  1. hobs
  2. porter
  3. freg's
  4. markov

Question 638 : Which is the correct order for preprocessing in Natural Language Processing?

  1. tokenization->stemming->lemmatization
  2. lemmatization->tokenization->stemming
  3. stemming->tokenization->lemmatization
  4. tokenization->lemmatization->stemming

Question 639 : In the sentence, “They bought a blue house”, the underlined part is an example of _____.

  1. Noun phrase
  2. Verb phrase
  3. Prepositional phrase
  4. Adverbial phrase

Question 640 : Porter Stemmer has ______ rules

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 4

Question 641 : What does Fr[ea]nc[eh]$ does not match?

  1. France
  2. Sino-French
  3. Frence
  4. Franc

Question 642 : Hyponym is

  1. Parent node
  2. Child node
  3. Root node
  4. Part of centre node

Question 643 : When training a language model, if we use an overly narrow corpus, the probabilities

  1. Don’t reflect the task
  2. Reflect all possible wordings
  3. Reflect intuition
  4. Don’t generalize

Question 644 : In text summarisation an ___________ uses different words to describe the contents of the document.

  1. Abstract
  2. Extract
  3. Information
  4. Prose

Question 645 : Which derivational prefixes does not change the category of word to which they are attached?

  1. Re- & -Un
  2. -er
  3. -ize
  4. -ing

Question 646 : “Innocent peacefully children sleep little” vs “Innocent little children sleep peacefully”. Which stage of NLP helps to find proper ordering of sentences

  1. Morphology Analysis
  2. Phonology Analysis
  3. Semantics Analysis
  4. Syntax Analysis

Question 647 : Which type of semantics is concerned with how words combine to form larger meanings

  1. Compund Semantics
  2. Compositional semantics
  3. Lexical semantics
  4. Word Semantics

Question 648 : X is a ........ of Y if it denotes a part of Y

  1. Meronym
  2. Hyponym
  3. Hynonyms
  4. Hypernyms

Question 649 : Performance metric for classifier doesn't include

  1. Accuracy
  2. Precision
  3. Recall
  4. Average

Question 650 : Nlp Is Concerned With The Interactions Between

  1. Computers And Human (Natural) Languages.
  2. Machine And Machine
  3. Human And Machine
  4. Both A) And B)