Natural Language Processing MCQ

Question 201 : In The English Language Inflectional Morphemes Can Be Which Of Following

  1. Suffixes Only
  2. Prefix Only
  3. Prefix And Suffix
  4. Any Word

Question 202 : Rule-based POS taggers doesnt possess which of the following properties

  1. The rules in Rule-based POS tagging are built auto
  2. These taggers are knowledge-driven taggers
  3. These taggers are consist of many hand written rules
  4. The information is coded in the form of rules.

Question 203 : Syntactical analysis is done at ______________ level

  1. Sentence
  2. Word
  3. Lexicon
  4. Symbol

Question 204 : It is not word embedding library

  1. Word2vec
  2. Glove
  3. Fasttext
  4. TextBlog

Question 205 : In NLP, The process of removing words like “and”, “is”, “a”, “an”, “the” from a sentence is called as

  1. Stemming
  2. Lemmatization
  3. Stop word
  4. derivation

Question 206 : What Is Machine Translation?

  1. Atomatic Translation Of Text From One Language To Another
  2. Manual Translation Of Text From One Language To Another
  3. Information Retrival
  4. Data Mining

Question 207 : Which of the following is used to mapping sentence plan into sentence structure?

  1. Text planning
  2. Sentence planning
  3. Text Realization
  4. Text Summarization

Question 208 : Inflectional morphology have the scope of__________________

  1. unlimited applicability
  2. possibly literal
  3. no communicability
  4. more base allomorph

Question 209 : ____ concerns how the immediately preceding sentences affect the interpretation of the next sentence

  1. Pragmatics
  2. Syntax
  3. Discourse
  4. Semantics

Question 210 : Famous Stemming algorithm

  1. Porter’s Stemmer algorithm
  2. Lovins Stemmer
  3. Dawson Stemmer
  4. Snowball Stemmer:

Question 211 : "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" Identify the ambiguity

  1. Lexical Ambiguity
  2. Anaphoric Ambiguity
  3. Syntax Ambiguity
  4. Semantic Ambiguity

Question 212 : What is 'indefinite noun phrases' in reference phonomena?

  1. Introduces entities that are new to the hearer into the discourse context
  2. Introduces entities that are previous or old to the hearer into the discourse context
  3. Entities that accept the irregular pharses
  4. Entities that accept the regular pharses

Question 213 : ______ morphology is a type of word formation that creates new lexemes

  1. Derivational morphology
  2. Compound morphology
  3. Inflectional morphology
  4. Complex morphology

Question 214 : Which one of the following is morpheme of the word “unbelievable”?

  1. un
  2. unbe
  3. evable
  4. able

Question 215 : What is morphology?

  1. The study of the rules governing the sounds that form words
  2. The study of the rules governing sentence formation
  3. The study of the rules governing word formation
  4. The study of the rules governing sounds

Question 216 : Which is a finite state machine with two tapes: an input tape and an output tape

  1. Finite State Transducers (FSTs)
  2. Finite State Translators (FSTs)
  3. Finite Automata
  4. Deterministic Finite Automaton

Question 217 : "I Bought A Printer Today. I Had Bought One Earlier In004. This One Cost Me Rs. 6000 Whereas That One Cost Me Rs.2000." In This Statement, "This" And "That" Are Known As Which Type Of Reference In The Discourse Context?

  1. Definite Refernce
  2. Indefinite Reference
  3. Pronominal Refenece
  4. Demonstrative Reference

Question 218 : A Bidirectional Feedback Loop Links Computer Modelling With:

  1. Artificial Science
  2. Heuristic Processing
  3. Human Intelligence
  4. Cognitive Science

Question 219 : Parts-of-Speech tagging determines ___________ . 1) part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per meaning of the sentence 2) part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per sentence structure 3) all part-of-speech for a specific word given as input

  1. Only 1 is correct
  2. 1 and 2 are correct
  3. 1 and 3 are correct
  4. All (1,2 and 3) are correct.

Question 220 : Consider the statement " The students went to class" . Assign POS tags for the statement.

  1. DT NN VB P NN
  2. DT NN NN P NN
  4. DT NN VB P DT

Question 221 : Video summarization extracts the most important frames from the _____ content

  1. Video
  2. Image
  3. Sound
  4. Doccument

Question 222 : Porter Stemmer algorithm consists of how many steps

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 6

Question 223 : Which Of The Following Model Is Used For Speech Recognition?

  1. Lemmatization Model
  2. Hidden Markov Model
  3. Finite State Transducers Model
  4. Grammer Model

Question 224 : A program that captures and indexes content from web pages is known as what insect:

  1. Fly
  2. Centipede
  3. Mosquito
  4. Spider

Question 225 : The branches of linguistics that focus on the meaning of a language

  1. Semantics & phonology
  2. Semantics & pragmatics
  3. Morphology & pragmatics
  4. Pragmatics & phonology

Question 226 : Parts-of-Speech tagging Does not determine ___________

  1. part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per meaning of the sentence
  2. part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per sentence structure
  3. all part-of-speech for a specific word given as input
  4. all part-of-speech for a specific stem from input

Question 227 : To whether "duck" is a verb or a noun can be solved by ______

  1. Part-of-speech tagging.
  2. Lexical analysis
  3. Semantic analysis
  4. Pragmatic analysis

Question 228 : A frequently used statistical model in nlp

  1. Stochestic
  2. Hybrid
  3. HMM
  4. Lengustic

Question 229 : _____is a phrase whose head is a noun or a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a set of modifiers.

  1. Pronoun Phrase
  2. Adverb Phrase
  3. Noun Phrase
  4. Proposition Phrase

Question 230 : Which Among The Following Is Important Component Of Natural Language Processig?

  1. Representation
  2. Description
  3. Exposion
  4. Narration

Question 231 : essential to the study of language acquisition; important for understanding language in social contexts (varieties of English, effects on style)

  1. semantics
  2. location
  3. Semantic roles
  4. homonyms

Question 232 : Divide the word "truthfulness" into base form + morphemes will give the output as

  1. truthful-ness
  2. truth-ful-ness
  3. truth-fulness
  4. truthfulness

Question 233 : _________________is mapping sentence plan into sentence structure.

  1. Text planning
  2. Sentence Planning
  3. Text Realisation
  4. Text Mapping

Question 234 : The reference to an entity that has been previously introduced into the sentence is called as __________ .

  1. discourse
  2. anaphora
  3. co refer
  4. referent

Question 235 : What is Global coherence?

  1. It is how each sentence relates to the previous sentence.
  2. It is how each sentence relates to the topic
  3. It is how each sentence not relates to the topic
  4. It is how each sentence not relates to the previous sentence.

Question 236 : Which of the following techniques is most appropriate to get root of word without considering word syntax

  1. Stemming
  2. Lemmatization
  3. Stop word removal
  4. Rooting

Question 237 : _________are based on the analysis of large volumes of bilingual text

  1. Rules Based Machine Translation
  2. Statistical MachineTransaltion
  3. Hybrid Machine Translation
  4. Neural Machine Translation.

Question 238 : Syntax Analyser is also known as __________________.

  1. Hierarchical Analysis
  2. Sequential Analysis
  3. General Analysis
  4. Hierarchical Analysis and Parsing

Question 239 : _________ Is the Second Stage in NLP?

  1. Syntactic Analysis
  2. Discourse Analysis
  3. Semantic Analysis
  4. Pragmatic Analysis

Question 240 : Which one of the following is TRUE about CRF (Conditional Random Field) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model)?

  1. CRF is generative model and HMM is discriminative model
  2. Both CRF and HMM are generative model
  3. CRF is discriminative model and HMM is generative model
  4. Both CRF and HMM are discriminative model

Question 241 : ______has the same spelling and sound, but do not have related meanings

  1. Homophones
  2. Polysemy
  3. Homonymy
  4. Synonymy

Question 242 : Using pronouns to refer back entities already introduced in the text is called as ________problem .

  1. Anaphora
  2. Misspellings
  3. Multiple Meaning
  4. Lexical problem

Question 243 : Discourse Analysis Involves The Study Of Relationship Between?

  1. Programming Language And Contextual Foreground
  2. Language And Dictionary Background
  3. Dictionary And Knowledge
  4. Language And Contextual Background

Question 244 : What is anaphora?

  1. repetition of a phrase at the end of sentences
  2. repetition of a phrase at the beginning of sentences
  3. repetition of a phrase in the middle of sentences
  4. repetition of a phrase in a direct row

Question 245 : Words with just one free morpheme are

  1. Simple words
  2. Complex words
  3. Joint Words
  4. Compound words

Question 246 : what a speaker (or writer) assumes is true or known by a listener (or reader)

  1. presupposition
  2. spatial deixis
  3. supposition
  4. Pragmatics

Question 247 : Which of the following are Anchors in regular expression?

  1. * and +
  2. ^ and $
  3. ? and {}
  4. \d and \w

Question 248 : Which of the following grammars generates strings with any number of 1’s?

  1. S --> 1A, A --> ε
  2. S -->1S, S--> ε
  3. S -->S1, S--> ε
  4. S -->1SA, S--> ε

Question 249 : Phrase structure riles are of the form A->BC which states that

  1. A is directed towards BC
  2. A implies B and C
  3. Constituents A can be written as two constitutes B and C
  4. BC holds value of A

Question 250 : ________________ used to point to things (it, this, these) and people (him, them, those idiots).

  1. Spatial deixis
  2. Pragmatics
  3. Temporal deixis
  4. Personal deixis