Natural Language Processing MCQ

Question 51 : identify the odd one out

  1. nltk
  2. scikit learn
  3. SpaCy
  4. BERT

Question 52 : The Area Of Ai That Investigates Methods Of Facilitating Communication Between People And Computers Is:

  1. Natural Language Processing
  2. Symbolic Processing
  3. Decision Support
  4. Robotics

Question 53 : Trains two independent LSTM language model left to right and right to left and shallowly concatenates them

  1. GPT
  2. BERT
  3. ULMFit
  4. ELMo

Question 54 : "Rohan Was With Her, They Both Go Together", In The Given Sentence Who Is Her Is Unclear, Specify The Type Of Ambiguity ?

  1. Semantic Ambiguity
  2. Anaphoric Ambiguity
  3. Pragmetic Ambiguity
  4. Lexical Ambiguity

Question 55 : Which of the following technique is used to remove semantic ambiguity?

  1. Fuzzy Logic
  2. Shallow Semantic Analysis
  3. Syntactic analysis
  4. Word Sense Disambiguation

Question 56 : What is outcome thinking?

  1. Knowing what you want rather than what you don’t want.
  2. Know about others
  3. Know about the society None
  4. language

Question 57 : Identify the POS tag for the word "nice" in following sentence "It was indeed a nice night"?

  1. JJ
  2. JJR
  3. JJS
  4. RB

Question 58 : What is the name for information sent from robot sensors to robot controllers?

  1. signal
  2. temperature
  3. feedback
  4. pressure

Question 59 : Typically the first or preliminary model of something, especially from which other forms are developed; helps explain the meaning of certain words e.g. (furniture-->desk, table) is called as_________

  1. Prototype
  2. Metonymy
  3. Hyponym
  4. Homonyms

Question 60 : Choose form the following areas where NLP can be useful.

  1. Automatic Text Summarization
  2. Automatic Question-Answering Systems
  3. Information Retrieval
  4. Automatic Text Summarization & Automatic Question-Answering Systems & Information Retrieval

Question 61 : GB theory dose not representation includes________-

  1. s-structure
  2. d-structure
  3. phonetic form.
  4. parsing

Question 62 : In this technique, content is extracted from the original data,but the extracted content is not modified in any way

  1. Extraction-based summarization
  2. Abstraction-based summarization
  3. Aided summarization
  4. Keyphrase extraction

Question 63 : Which sentence describes inflectional morphology?

  1. Adding a morpheme to produce a new word but the same lexeme.
  2. Adding a morpheme to produce a new word and different lexeme.
  3. Adding a morpheme to produce the same word but different lexeme.
  4. Adding a morpheme to produce the same sentence but different lexeme.

Question 64 : What is function of Sequence classfier(HMM)?

  1. Assign some label or class to each unit in a sequence.
  2. Aassign part of speech to sequence.
  3. Find probability
  4. Calculate likelihood.

Question 65 : "I Saw The Boy With A Pony Tail ", What Type Of Ambiguity Does Sentence Have

  1. Semantic Ambiguity
  2. Pragmetic Ambiguity
  3. Structured Ambiguity
  4. Simplex

Question 66 : "You better go to the clinic", is which type of speech act?

  1. Commissives
  2. Directives
  3. Declarations
  4. Representatives

Question 67 : Which of the following is not correct with respect to levels of semantic analysis?

  1. Word level
  2. Character level
  3. Sentence level
  4. Utterance level

Question 68 : Which Of The Below Are Nlp Use Cases?

  1. Detecting Objects From An Image
  2. Facial Recognition
  3. Speech Biometric
  4. Text Summarization

Question 69 : Semantics: ___ meaning,Pragmatics: ___ meaning

  1. Presupposition
  2. Literal; unconventional
  3. Linguistic context
  4. Physical context

Question 70 : Given a sound clip of a person or people speaking, determine the textual representation of the speech.

  1. Text-to-speech
  2. Speech-to-text
  3. Text Summarization
  4. Text Classification

Question 71 : Named entity recognition is a technqiue to locate and classify __________ entities in unstructured text.

  1. Proper Nouns
  2. Verb
  3. Adjective
  4. Preposition

Question 72 : Which of the factors affect the performance of learner system does not include?

  1. Representation scheme used
  2. Training scenario
  3. Type of feedback
  4. Good data structures

Question 73 : Which of the following is not a primitive operation of a regular expression?

  1. Concatenation
  2. Closure
  3. Union
  4. Projection

Question 74 : Choose the correct answer to the following question: Which of the following words is an example of a preposition?

  1. Into
  2. If
  3. Many
  4. You

Question 75 :

  1. Pragmetics
  2. Disclosure
  3. Semantic
  4. Lexemes

Question 76 : “He was running quickly into the stadium”. What type of phrase is this?

  1. Noun phrase
  2. Verb phrase
  3. Prepositional phrase
  4. Adjectival phrase

Question 77 : Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs belong to ____ class type in POS

  1. Join Class
  2. Open Class
  3. Sub Class
  4. Closed class

Question 78 : What Was First Defined For Natural Language By Chomsky (1957)

  1. Context-Free Grammar (Cfg)
  2. Finite Automata (Fa)
  3. Push Down Automata (Pda)
  4. Turing Machine

Question 79 : Two words with very closely related meanings

  1. Antonyms
  2. Homonyms
  3. Synonyms
  4. Hyponymy

Question 80 : Following are examples of Artificial Languages except

  1. C
  2. English
  3. Python
  4. Scilab

Question 81 : Homophones for the word piece

  1. Peace
  2. Conflict
  3. Noise
  4. Irritation

Question 82 : A set of words that denotes a subcategory of a more general class

  1. Hyponymy
  2. Meronymy
  3. Polysemy
  4. Clines

Question 83 : In a HMM, the possible state transitions are from state JJ to states NN, VB, JJ and RB. Following are the known state transitions probabilities; P(NN|JJ) = 1/4. P(VB|JJ) = 1/6, and P(JJ|JJ) = 1/3. What is the transition probability value of P(RB|JJ)?

  1. 01-04-2020 12:00:00 AM
  2. 01-02-2020 12:00:00 AM
  3. 01-05-2020 12:00:00 AM
  4. 01-03-2020 12:00:00 AM

Question 84 : two or more words with the same form and related meanings by extension (foot of a person, of a bed, of a mountain); based on similarity

  1. Metonymy
  2. hyponymy
  3. polysemy
  4. hyponym

Question 85 : The word bank can be (river bank or financial institution) it denotes

  1. Antonymy
  2. Polysemy
  3. Homonyms
  4. Synonymy

Question 86 : Beverage = coffee - tea - shake, is example of ______

  1. Meronymy
  2. Hyponymy
  3. Polysemy
  4. Clines

Question 87 : What can words often be divided into?

  1. Morphemes
  2. Lexemes
  3. Paragraph
  4. Stem

Question 88 : the entity that is involved in or affected by the action, or that is simply being described (The boy kicked --> the ball.) (-->The ball was red.)

  1. denotation
  2. semantic features
  3. homophones
  4. theme ("patient")

Question 89 : "I saw bats" contains which type of ambiguity?

  1. Syntactic
  2. Semantic
  3. Lexical
  4. Anaphoric

Question 90 : What does 'discourse' refer to in the study of language?

  1. the vocabulary of a text
  2. the structure, organisation and layout of a text
  3. the meaning behind the vocabulary of a text
  4. the mode of a text

Question 91 : re.findall(r “^\d”, “ 3 is my favorite number”) What will the above regular expression do?

  1. Will ignore all integers in text
  2. Will search for digit at end
  3. Will search for digit at the beginning
  4. Searches for a pattern

Question 92 : What is full form of NLU?

  1. Nature Language Understanding
  2. Natural Long Understanding
  3. Natural Language Understanding
  4. Natural Language Understudy

Question 93 : Which one of the following is type of spelling errors?

  1. Sentence errors
  2. Non-word errors
  3. Non-cognitive errors
  4. Syntax errors

Question 94 : ___ are created when the constituents within the sentence describe the role of the entities (We look at the NP in a sentence to see who/what is creating the action in the VP); found in each sentence

  1. Semantic Analysis
  2. Semantics
  3. Syntactic features
  4. Semantic Roles

Question 95 : Progmatic Analysis Is the ________ Stage in NLP?

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Fifth
  4. Forth

Question 96 : Named entities can be recognized and classified by:

  1. Viterbi Algorithm
  2. Featured-based or neural sequence labelling techniques.
  3. Hidden Markov Model
  4. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Question 97 : "We always play football after work." Which is a prepositional phrase?

  1. Always play football
  2. After work
  3. Always play
  4. Football after

Question 98 : Features that are used to represent the abstract letter pattern of the word by mapping lower-case letters to ‘x’, upper-case to ‘X’, numbers to ’d’, and retaining punctuation are called as: (For example I.M.F would map to X.X.X. and DC10-30 would map to XXdd-dd)

  1. Acronym
  2. X-maps
  3. Word Shape
  4. Word Mapper

Question 99 : "He finished the show very well". What is part of speech of underlined word?

  1. Noun
  2. Adjective
  3. Adverb
  4. Preposition