Natural Language Processing MCQ

Question 551 : Which instruments are used for perceiving and acting upon the environment?

  1. Sensors and Actuators
  2. Sensors
  3. Perceiver
  4. effector

Question 552 : "Ram's bike is new" is _____________ type of presupposition

  1. Factive
  2. Existential
  3. Lexical
  4. Structural

Question 553 : "Sagar loved watching movies. He likes comedy movies." Given sentence does not hold ______type of ambiguity

  1. Syntax Level ambiguity
  2. Referential ambiguity
  3. Lexical Ambiguity
  4. Syntax Level & Referential ambiguity

Question 554 : HMM graphs consist of a Hidden Space and Observed Space, where the hidden space consists of the _______ and the observed space is the ______

  1. Input, Categories
  2. Values, Variables
  3. Labels, Input
  4. Variables, Values

Question 555 : An optimizer Compiler

  1. Is optimized to occupy less space
  2. Both of the mentioned
  3. Optimize the code
  4. None of the mentioned

Question 556 : A DFA is a tuple A = (Q, ∑, δ, qo, F) ,what does δ indicates?

  1. Finite set of state
  2. A finite set of input symbols
  3. Transition function
  4. A set of final states

Question 557 : Words 'happy', 'talk', 'use' are examples of which morpheme

  1. Prefix
  2. Bound
  3. Free
  4. Suffix

Question 558 : Probabilistic context- free grammar (PCFG) is also known as the __________

  1. Stochastic context-free grammar
  2. Context sensitive context-free grammar
  3. Regular grammar
  4. Unrestricted context free grammar

Question 559 : A model of information retrieval in which we can pose any query in which search terms are combined with the operators AND, OR, and NOT:

  1. Ad Hoc Retrieval
  2. Ranked Retrieval Model
  3. Boolean Information Model
  4. Proximity Query Model

Question 560 : ______________ deals with analyzing emotions, feelings and attitude of speaker or writer from given piece of text

  1. Semantic Analysis
  2. Sentiment Analysis
  3. Information Retrival
  4. Text classification

Question 561 : What is not the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

  1. Computer Science
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Linguistics
  4. Economics

Question 562 : When Training A Language Model, If We Use An Overly Narrow Corpus, The Probabilities

  1. Don’T Reflect The Task
  2. Reflect All Possible Wordings
  3. Reflect Intuition
  4. Don’T Generalize

Question 563 : The word "Tree" is an example of

  1. Complex words
  2. Compound words
  3. Simple words
  4. Joint Words

Question 564 : What is Morphological Segmentation?

  1. Does Discourse Analysis
  2. Separate words into individual morphemes and identify the class of the morphemes
  3. Is an extension of propositional logic
  4. generate language

Question 565 : Which of these is NOT a feature of pragmatics?

  1. cultural references
  2. assumptions about audiences
  3. implication and inference
  4. cohesion

Question 566 : Which is most common algorithm used in English language for Stemming?

  1. Partial stemmer
  2. Porter stemmer
  3. faster stemmer
  4. Regular stemmer

Question 567 : In which type of morphology, grammatical changes like number, tense, case gender takes place. e.g. walk, walks, walked, walking

  1. Derivational
  2. Inflectional
  3. Both derivation and inflectional
  4. Semantic

Question 568 : Cohesion Bounds Text Together. Consider The Following Piece Of Text "Yesterday, My Friend Invited Me To Her House. When I Reached, My Friend Was Preparing Coffee. Her Father Was Cleaning Dishes. Her Mother Was Busy Writing A Book." Each Occurance In The Above Text Refers To Which Noun Phrase?

  1. Me
  2. Friend'S Father
  3. Friend'S Mother
  4. My Friend'S

Question 569 : What is a lemma?

  1. A type of phoneme
  2. A phonological representation of a word
  3. The abstract form of a word containing information relating to the meaning of a word
  4. A type of semantic

Question 570 : In Semantic Analysis word embedding is used to _______

  1. Classify ambiguity in sentence
  2. Convert text data to numeric vector
  3. Feature Selection
  4. Feature Reduction

Question 571 : In the sentence " I made her duck." Here the word "her" is

  1. semantically ambiguous
  2. syntactically ambiguous
  3. morphologically ambiguous
  4. not ambiguous

Question 572 : Context –free grammars also known as …..........

  1. Meaning structure grammars
  2. Character structure grammars
  3. Shape structure grammars
  4. Phrase structure grammars

Question 573 : The steps of preprocessing in Natural Language Processing does not include..

  1. Stemming
  2. Tokenization
  3. Stop Word Removal
  4. Segmantation

Question 574 : Which Of The Following Is Used To Mapping Sentence Plan Into Sentence Structure?

  1. Text Planning
  2. Sentence Planning
  3. Text Realization
  4. Stemming

Question 575 : What is not the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

  1. Computer Science
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Linguistics
  4. building robot

Question 576 : What could possibly be the environment of a Satellite Image Analysis System?

  1. Computers in space and earth
  2. Image categorization techniques
  3. Statistical data on image pixel intensity value and histograms
  4. All of the mentioned

Question 577 : In test summarisation an ___________ is formed by selecting phrases or sentences from the document to be summarized

  1. Abstract
  2. Extract
  3. Information
  4. Prose

Question 578 : Main reason for tokenization

  1. It is simplest process
  2. Processing on word can be easily performed
  3. Almost all algorithms of tokenization executes in polynomial time
  4. Readymade program are available in various programming language

Question 579 : Correct machine translation from English to Hindi for sentence: "House temperature "

  1. Ghar tapman
  2. Ghar ka tapman
  3. Ghar ka temperature
  4. House ka tapman

Question 580 : ____________ interpretation is done by adding context-dependant information

  1. Semantic
  2. Pragmatic
  3. Syntactic
  4. Word level Analysis

Question 581 : Word segmentation is mostly used when

  1. Hyphens are present
  2. Multiple alphabets intermingled
  3. Long sentences
  4. No space between words

Question 582 : How many DFA’s exits with two states over input alphabet {0,1} ?

  1. 16
  2. 26
  3. 32
  4. 64

Question 583 : Sentiment analysis is the interpretation and classification of ______ emotions within text data using text analysis techniques

  1. positive
  2. negative
  3. neutral
  4. All positive,negative and neutral

Question 584 : Which type of ambiguity is present in the sentence "Old men and women were taken to safe locations"?

  1. Attachment ambiguity
  2. Scope Ambiguity
  3. Discourse ambiguity
  4. Semantics Ambiguity

Question 585 : Which Of The Following Statement Is(Are) True For Word2Vec Model?

  1. The Architecture Of Word2Vec Consists Of Only Two Layers – Continuous Bag Of Words And Skip-Gram Model
  2. Continuous Bag Of Word (Cbow) Is A Recurrent Neural Network Model
  3. Cbow And Skip-Gram Are Shallow Neural Network Models
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks

Question 586 : In POS, using generative approach, direction of flow is from class to words

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Depends on sentence
  4. Randomly

Question 587 : In which method parts of the documents are labeled and other parts are not labeled during text categorization

  1. Supervised learning method
  2. Unsupervised learning method
  3. Semi-supervised learning method
  4. Sub-supervised learning method

Question 588 : What Is The Number Of Trigrams In A Normalized Sentence Of Length N Words?

  1. N
  2. N-1
  3. N-2
  4. N-3

Question 589 : Suppose we want to calculate a probability for the sequence of observations {‘Dry’,’Rain’}. If the following are the possible hidden state sequences, then P(‘Dry’,‘Rain’) = ---------. Transition probabilities: P(‘Low’|‘Low’)=0.3 , P(‘High’|‘Low’)=0.7 P(‘Low’|‘High’)=0.2, P(‘High’|‘High’)=0.8 • Observation probabilities : P(‘Rain’|‘Low’)=0.6 , P(‘Dry’|‘Low’)=0.4 P(‘Rain’|‘High’)=0.4 , P(‘Dry’|‘High’)=0.3 • Initial probabilities: P(‘Low’)=0.4 , P(‘High’)=0.6

  1. 0.1748
  2. 0.2004
  3. 0.1208
  4. 0.2438

Question 590 : The main aim of Natural Language Processing is to ____________ the human language.

  1. Cipher
  2. Index
  3. Understand
  4. Complicate

Question 591 : Parts of speech can be divided into two broad supercategories, one supercategories is

  1. Sub Class
  2. Open Class
  3. Join Class
  4. Empty Class

Question 592 : In HMMs, spaces are connected via __________ matrices {T,A} to represent the probability of ____________ from one state to another following their _____

  1. Transitions, Transitioning, Connections
  2. Attribute, Changing, groups
  3. Label, moving, sets
  4. Transitions, Chaning, Sets

Question 593 : Under-stemming can be interpreted as __________.

  1. False-Positives
  2. False-Negative
  3. True-Positive
  4. True-Negative

Question 594 : Which is not method of WSD?

  1. Supervised learning
  2. Dictionary method
  3. Unsupervised learning
  4. Sem-supervised learning

Question 595 : NLP Stands for.

  1. Natural Language Protocol
  2. Natural Lingual Protocol
  3. Natural Lingual Processing
  4. Natural Language Processing

Question 596 : What is the term frequency of a term which is used a maximum number of times in that document?

  1. t4 – 2/6
  2. t1 – 2/6
  3. t3 – 3/6
  4. t6 – 2/5

Question 597 : In maximum entropy model, generally features are -------- in nature.

  1. Binary
  2. Unary
  3. Ternary
  4. Random

Question 598 : “The German authorities said a ‘Colombian’ who had lived for a long time in the Ukraine flew in from Kiev. ‘He’ had 300 grams of plutonium 239 in his baggage.” is an example of which type of reference?

  1. Nominative Pronoun
  2. Oblique Pronoun
  3. Possessive Pronoun
  4. Reflexive Pronoun

Question 599 : A grammar that produces more than one parse tree for some sentence is called

  1. Ambiguous
  2. Unambiguous
  3. Regular
  4. None of the mentioned

Question 600 : Which of the following algorithms is widely used for text classification?

  1. Decision tree
  2. Support vector machine
  3. Naive Bayes
  4. All of the mentioned