Natural Language Processing MCQ

Question 301 : Look At That Dog With One Eye – Am I To Close An Eye And Look At The Dog Or Does The Dog Have One Eye? Which Type Of Ambiguity Do You Experience In This Sentence.

  1. Semantic Ambiguity
  2. Syntactic Ambiguity
  3. Pragmetic Ambiguity
  4. Anaphoric Ambiguity

Question 302 : Which is the process whereby meaning representations are composed and assigned to linguistic inputs

  1. Semantic analysis
  2. Lexical analysis
  3. Syntax Analysis
  4. Morphology Analysis

Question 303 : Which of the following is not correct with respect to Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)

  1. It offers sense definitions of words
  2. Identifies synsets of synonyms
  3. Defines a number of semantic relations
  4. It’s not free

Question 304 : HMMs are “a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a ________process with ________ states”.

  1. a)Convolution, completed
  2. b)Markov, Unobservable
  3. c)Analyzing, Categorized
  4. d)Complete, Observed

Question 305 : Identifying intentions in dialogue is ________

  1. Morphology
  2. Semantics
  3. Pragmatics
  4. Discourse

Question 306 : Sentence Realization

  1. Syntactic Analysis
  2. Discourse Analysis
  3. Semantic Analysis
  4. Pragmatic Analysis

Question 307 : In the context of POS tagging, the objective would be to build an HMM to model P(____ | ___) and Compute the label probabilities given observations using _____ Rule.

  1. Value, Label, Markov
  2. Word, Tag, Bayes
  3. Attribute, Variable, Bayes
  4. Input, Label, Markov

Question 308 : What are the most common and the rarest term of the corpus?

  1. t5, t1
  2. t5, t6
  3. t4, t6
  4. t3, t5

Question 309 : RSG stands for

  1. Rich Sentence Graph
  2. Real Summary Graph
  3. Rich Syntactic Graph
  4. Rich Semantic Graph

Question 310 : _____ is a word with the most specific meaning

  1. hyponym
  2. synonymy
  3. hypernym
  4. homonyms

Question 311 : Modern Nlp Algorithms Are Based On …………………..

  1. Neural Language Processing
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Machine Translation

Question 312 : Visiting relatives can be boring

  1. The text is unambiguous
  2. The text is ambiguous
  3. The text clear and precise
  4. The text is indisputable

Question 313 : What is inference?

  1. The process of deriving implied meanings
  2. The process of signalling attitude
  3. The concept of how all communication relies on presenting a 'face'
  4. The process of syntax checking

Question 314 : Conceal - cover is a example of ________

  1. Antonym
  2. Synonym
  3. Polysemy
  4. Homonym

Question 315 : What is a meaning of Morphology?

  1. The study of word format
  2. The study of sentence format
  3. The study of syntax of sentence
  4. The study of semantics of sentence.

Question 316 : How many ambiguties exist in the following sentence. " I know little Italian".

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 0

Question 317 : "The System Recognizes If Emails Belong In One Of Three Categories (Primary, Social, Or Promotions) Based On Their Contents." What This Application Is Called?

  1. Smart Assistant
  2. Email Filters
  3. Predictive Text
  4. Language Translation

Question 318 : What is output of Morhological analysis for the input word 'mice'?

  1. mice N SG
  2. mouse N SG
  3. mouse N PL
  4. mice N PL

Question 319 : Which of the following is the fastest logic ?

  1. TTL
  2. ECL
  3. CMOS
  4. LSI

Question 320 : The word “Putting” is handle and clean up by which stemming rule? “Putting ® Put”

  1. {(X) –ing ® ϵ} and {--CC® C}
  2. {(X) –eed ® -ee} and {-at ® -ate}
  3. {(X) –ing ® -ing}
  4. {(X) –C1VC2 ® C1VC2e}

Question 321 : Google News Aggregator is example of ______________.

  1. Machine Translation Application
  2. Text Summarization Application
  3. NER Application
  4. Information Retrival Application

Question 322 : Which python library use to implement natural language processing?

  1. NLTK
  2. Scrapy
  3. Matplotlib
  4. Pydot

Question 323 : Which of the following measurements are used to evaluate the quality of entity recognition?

  1. Recision
  2. Recall
  3. Measure
  4. R-measure

Question 324 : Results from a search engine that are based upon the retrieval of items using a method of term weighting such as cosine similarity is a form of:

  1. Sponsored Search
  2. Algorithmic Search
  3. Informational Search
  4. Navigational Search

Question 325 : Words automatic, automation, are converted to automat. This the output of which process.

  1. FSA
  2. Lemmatization
  3. Stemming
  4. Parser

Question 326 : "She eats fish with the fork". Identify ambiguity in the given sentence

  1. Anaphoric Ambiguity
  2. Lexical Ambiguity
  3. Syntax Ambiguity
  4. Semantic Ambiguity

Question 327 : The Knowledge Sources Used By Which Algorithms Include Context Of Word, Sense Frequency, Selectional Preferences, Collocation And Domain?

  1. Fuzzy Logic
  2. Word Sense Disambiguation
  3. Shallow Semantic Analysis
  4. Artificial Intelligence

Question 328 : In an HMM, observation likelihoods measure

  1. The likelihood of a POS tag given a word
  2. The likelihood of a POS tag given the preceding tag
  3. The likelihood of a word given a POS tag
  4. The likelihood of a POS tag given two preceding tags

Question 329 : John has a cat and Mary has a rabbit. They play with them all the time. Identify the reference resolution problem in the above statement

  1. Generics
  2. Discontinuous sets
  3. Inferrables
  4. one anaohora

Question 330 : ____ concerns how sentences are used in different situations and how use affects the interpretation of the sentence.

  1. Syntax
  2. Phonology
  3. Pragmatics
  4. Discourse

Question 331 : Noun resolutionx

  1. NĂ—1
  2. NĂ—N
  3. 1Ă—N
  4. NĂ—V

Question 332 : Which of the following entities are identified by NER?

  1. Proper Nouns
  2. Noun Phrase
  3. Verb Phrase
  4. Adverb

Question 333 : In which of the following stages of NLP, does one draws parse tree?

  1. Morphological
  2. Syntactic
  3. Semantic
  4. Pragmatic

Question 334 : For Rule based tagger, to design rules

  1. Language experts needed
  2. Language experts not required
  3. Good programmer is required
  4. Not language expert nor programmer

Question 335 : Parts-of-Speech tagging determines ___________

  1. part-of-speech for each symbol only generated dynamically as per meaning of the sentence
  2. part-of-speech for each word dynamically as per sentence structure
  3. all stem for a specific word given as input
  4. all lema for a specific word given as input

Question 336 : Which is an automatic way of determining the scope of negation and inverting the polarities of opinionated words that are actually affected by a negation.

  1. Opinion Handling
  2. Negation handling
  3. Discourse Handling
  4. Scope Handling

Question 337 : Which of the following is NOT an example of a typical discourse structure?

  1. narratee
  2. list
  3. narrative
  4. question-answer

Question 338 : Which among the following is one of the stages in NLP pipeline?

  1. Sentiment Analysis
  2. Tokenization
  3. Spell Checking
  4. Syntax Analysis

Question 339 : Which Application Of Nlp Refers To Automatic Production Of Speech (Utterance Of Natural Language Of Sentences)?

  1. Speech Recognition
  2. Machine Translation
  3. Speech Synthesis
  4. Information Retrieval

Question 340 : Which of the options is not a NLP application?

  1. Sentiment analysis
  2. Translation from English to French
  3. Translation from C++ to Java
  4. Named entity recognition

Question 341 : Format of words is given in options, select incorrect option.

  1. Books ® Book + Noun + Plural
  2. 0
  3. Cats ® Cat + Verb
  4. Went®go + Verb + Past

Question 342 : Car is hyponym of

  1. Scooter
  2. Cycle
  3. Rickshaw
  4. Automobile

Question 343 : ____________ POS tagger uses probabilities.

  1. Rule based
  2. Stochastic
  3. Procedure based
  4. Object based

Question 344 : Mujhe khaanna khaanna hai. What will be tag of third word in the given sentence.

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adverb
  4. Auxiliary verb

Question 345 : Which NLP application involves conversion of Hindi text into SQL queries

  1. Natural Language Convertion to Database
  2. Information retrieval
  3. Natural Language Extraction from Database
  4. Natural Language Interface to Database

Question 346 : Famous Tag set for English

  1. Penn Treebank
  4. NLTK

Question 347 : "Zuha Forgets Her Pendrive In Lab." In This Statement, "Her" Is Known As Which Type Of Reference In The Discourse Context?

  1. Definite Refernce
  2. Indefinite Reference
  3. Pronominal Refenece
  4. Demonstrative Reference

Question 348 : In CFG, Each rule has a __________side

  1. Right hand only
  2. Left hand only
  3. Right hand and left hand
  4. Sub hand

Question 349 : Pragmatics cannot be defined as

  1. It is the study of speaker meaning
  2. It is the study of contextual meaning
  3. It is the study of how more gets communicated than is said
  4. It is the study of sound

Question 350 : Ir System : Subset Of Documents : : ? : Subset Of Information Within Document

  1. Speech Recognition
  2. Natural Language Interfaces To Db
  3. Information Extraction
  4. Information Retrieval