Distributed Computing MCQ

Question 1 : Which of the following is an example of election algorithm.

  1. Berkley Algorithm:
  2. Bully Algorithm.
  3. Cristian’s Algorithm

Question 2 : In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected by _____

  1. Cristian's Algorithm
  2. Bully algorithm
  3. Both bully and Cristian's algorithm
  4. Lamport Algorithm

Question 3 : In the client - server system having memory with disk , the file can be stored in _____________location .

  1. On any machine in network
  2. Sever's main memory
  3. On cloud
  4. On Storage area network

Question 4 : A type of the failure model where a server fails to respond to incoming requests.

  1. Crash failure
  2. Response failure
  3. Omission failure
  4. Arbitrary failure

Question 5 : The directory can be viewed as a _________ that translates file names into their directory entries.

  1. symbol table
  2. partition
  3. swap space
  4. cache

Question 6 : Middleware communication protocols support -

  1. High-level communication services
  2. Multi-level Communication Services
  3. Remote Procedure Call
  4. Interprocess communication

Question 7 : Machine that places the request to access the data is generally called as __________.

  1. Server Machine
  2. Client Machine
  3. Request Machine
  4. Database server

Question 8 : Cristian’s Algorithm is _____

  1. Passive Time Server Algorithm
  2. Active Time Server Algorithm
  3. both (a) and (b)
  4. None of the mentioned

Question 9 : Which of the following properties hold true for quorums in a cotorie

  1. Intersection property and Union property
  2. Intersection property and Minimality property
  3. Minimality property and Union property
  4. Intersection property and Monotonicity property

Question 10 : Characteristics of threads are ______.

  1. Parallelism, blocking system calls
  2. No parallelism, blocking system calls
  3. Parallelism, non blocking system calls
  4. No parallelism, non blocking system calls

Question 11 : What are the characteristics of fully distributed approach ? I. When responses are received from all processes, then process can enter its Critical Section II. When process exits its critical section, the process sends reply messages to all its deferred requests. III. It requires request, reply and release per critical section entry IV. One processor as coordinator which handles all requests

  1. I
  2. I and III
  3. III and IV
  4. I and II

Question 12 : With the launch of Google App Engine, Google went beyond _____________.

  1. software as a service
  2. service provider
  3. quality as a service
  4. data as a service

Question 13 : _________ provides programmers a familiar programming model by extending the local procedure call to a distributed environment.

  1. Distributed environment
  2. Permanent procedure call
  3. Process and file
  4. Remote procedure call

Question 14 : Which are the two complementary deadlock-prevention schemes using time stamps ?

  1. The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
  2. The wait-n-watch scheme
  3. The wound-wait scheme
  4. The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme

Question 15 : In mutual exclusion, processes requests to enter in

  1. Network
  2. Critical region
  3. Storage space
  4. Main memeory

Question 16 : DNS stands for?

  1. Direct Network System
  2. Direct Name System
  3. Domain Name System
  4. Domain Network System

Question 17 : In wound-wait If a young process wants a resource held by an old process, the young process will _____

  1. Killed
  2. Wait
  3. Preempt
  4. Restarts and wait

Question 18 : What is not true about parallel computing

  1. A problem is broken in to discrete parts that can be solved concurrently
  2. Each part is further broken down to a series of instructions
  3. Instructions from each part execute simultaneously on different processor
  4. hardware limitation on the transmission speed

Question 19 : From the given options select the appropriate statement for sequential consistency(SC).

  1. SC is the strongest and yet practical consistency model
  2. SC allows for high availability during periods of network disconnectivity
  3. SC allows a client thread to read a stale value of some variable
  4. SC is only applicable to distributed shared memory systems and not applicable to distributed storage systems

Question 20 : ____________ is a runtime system that essentially provides an abstract instruction set used for executing applications.

  1. Consistent system
  2. Serialization
  3. Virtualization
  4. Parallelization

Question 21 : An RPC (remote procedure call) is initiated by the _________

  1. Server
  2. Client
  3. Client after server
  4. A third party

Question 22 : What are the exceptions which have to be handled in a RMI client program?

  1. MalFormedURLException
  2. NotFoundException
  3. ArithmeticException
  4. Class-Not-Found-Excepti on

Question 23 : If one thread opens a file with read privileges then ___________

  1. other threads in the another process can also read from that file
  2. other threads in the same process can also read from that file
  3. any other thread can not read from that file
  4. all of the mentioned

Question 24 : If two event a and b are parallel, then ____________.

  1. a and b monotonic
  2. C = C
  3. C > C
  4. C < C

Question 25 : Choosing the best path from sender to receiver is primary task of ___ layer of OSI.

  1. Physical
  2. Transport
  3. Network
  4. Application

Question 26 : When the event for which a thread is blocked occurs?

  1. thread moves to the ready queue
  2. thread remains blocked
  3. thread completes
  4. a new thread is provided

Question 27 : ________algorithm uses the information about properties of the node and characteristics of processes.

  1. probabilistic algorithm
  2. Heuristics solution
  3. deterministic algorithm
  4. Optimal solution

Question 28 : The main problem with the reliable multicast scheme is that

  1. Support large number of receivers
  2. Support fixed number of receiver
  3. cannot support fixed numbers of receivers.
  4. cannot support large numbers of receivers.

Question 29 : State which of the following holds true in File Service Interface i)It enables users to access files in distributed systen ii)File accessing models decide how the users request for file access is serviced iii)It creates and manages directories ,adding and deleting files from directories

  1. i only
  2. i and iii only
  3. ii and iii only
  4. i and ii only

Question 30 : The ring election algorithm works by:

  1. Having all nodes in a ring of processors send a message to a coordinator who will elect the leader.
  2. Sending a token around a set of nodes. Whoever has the token is the coordinator.
  3. Sending a message around all available nodes and choosing the first one on the resultant list.
  4. Building a list of all live nodes and choosing the largest numbered node in the list.

Question 31 : What is the characteristic of Naming and Name resolution?

  1. Name system in the network.
  2. Address messages with the process-id
  3. Virtual Circuit
  4. Message Switching

Question 32 : State transition failures happens

  1. Server fails
  2. Server reacts unexpectedly
  3. Client fails
  4. Network fails

Question 33 : Which of the following is not example of Information redundancy

  1. parity
  2. checksum
  3. Hamming codes
  4. Rollback if transaction aborts

Question 34 : The time interval between critical region (CR)exit & new entry by any process is called ................

  1. System throughput
  2. Message complexity
  3. Synchronization delay
  4. Response time

Question 35 : Resource Record in DNS has_____.

  1. Mapping of domain Name to IP address
  2. Resources consumption records
  3. Key Performance Indicator for Domain
  4. Backup nodes IP Address

Question 36 : What is not a major reason for building distributed systems ?

  1. Resource sharing
  2. Computation speedup
  3. Reliability
  4. Simplicity

Question 37 : What is ‘Aging’?

  1. keeping track of cache contents
  2. keeping track of what pages are currently residing in memory
  3. keeping track of how many times a given page is referenced
  4. increasing the priority of jobs to ensure termination in a finite ti

Question 38 : The header usually consists of the following elements in IPC I. Sequence number II. Structural information III. Address IV. File mode(Read/ Write)

  1. I,III, IV
  2. I,II, III
  3. I, II, IV
  4. I,IV

Question 39 : From the following which is not a type of Communication

  1. Persistent and transient communication
  2. Synchronous and asynchronous communication
  3. Persistent synchronous and persistent asynchronous communication
  4. Non persistent communication

Question 40 : What is UTC ?

  1. Universal Centralized Time
  2. Unique Coordinated Time
  3. Universal Coordinated Time
  4. Unique Centralized Time

Question 41 : Which one is the disadvantage of Remote Procedure Call

  1. There is no flexibility in RPC for hardware architecture.
  2. support process oriented and thread oriented models.
  3. The effort to re-write and re-develop the code is minimum
  4. Many of the protocol layers are omitted by RPC to improve performance.

Question 42 : What is the disadvantage of the two level directory structure?

  1. it does not solve the name collision problem
  2. it solves the name collision problem
  3. it does not isolate users from one another
  4. it isolates users from one another

Question 43 : A ___ is a software module consisting of one or more procedures, an initialization sequence, and local data.

  1. monitor
  2. message passing
  3. strong semaphore
  4. binary semaphore

Question 44 : Hide that a resource is replicated is known as___________transparency

  1. Replication
  2. Location
  3. Migration
  4. Relocation

Question 45 : RPC works between two processes. These processes must be ____________

  1. on the same computer
  2. on different computers connected with a network
  3. on the same computer and also on different computers connected with a network
  4. on none of the computers

Question 46 : A process that is based on IPC mechanism which executes on different systems and can communicate with other processes using message based communication, is called

  1. Local Procedure Call
  2. Inter Process Communication
  3. Remote procedure call
  4. Remote machine invocation

Question 47 : Which of the following is not the major component of a distributed file system : ______________.

  1. Storage Service
  2. True file service
  3. Name service
  4. Authorization service

Question 48 : What is the advantage of a vector clock over Lamport's logical clock?

  1. Catch causality
  2. avoid deadlock
  3. avoid linear relationship
  4. set nonlinear relationship

Question 49 : Rate at which requests for the CR get executed is known as

  1. Synchronization delay
  2. System throughput
  3. Message complexity
  4. Response time

Question 50 : Arbitrary failure may ouccur in form of

  1. duplicate message
  2. protocol
  3. reliable communication
  4. address spacde