Distributed Computing MCQ

Question 751 : A process that is based on IPC mechanism which executes on different systems and can communicate with other processes using message based communication, is called _______.

  1. Local Procedure Call
  2. Inter Process Communication
  3. Remote Procedure Call
  4. Remote Machine Invocation

Question 752 : Maekawa’s algorithm is a ___________ mutual exclusion algorithm.

  1. Token-based
  2. Voting-based
  3. Non-token based
  4. Tree-based

Question 753 : In physical clocks, the clock tick can be produced by the following-

  1. Interrupt
  2. Signal
  3. Monitors
  4. registers

Question 754 : Having a single CPU and being able to pretend that there are more can be extended to other resources as well and is known as ______________.

  1. Resource management
  2. Resource virtualization
  3. Resource sharing
  4. Resource distribution

Question 755 : Which of the following is Election algorithm

  1. Berkley's Algorithm
  2. Cristian's Algorithm
  3. Lamport's Algorithm
  4. Bully Algorithm

Question 756 : What are the two steps of a process execution?

  1. I/O & OS Burst
  2. CPU & I/O Burst
  3. Memory & I/O Burst
  4. OS & Memory Burst

Question 757 : Cristian’s Algorithm is ______________

  1. Passive Time Server Algorithm
  2. Active Time Server Algorithm
  3. Distributed mutual exclusion
  4. Logical algorithm

Question 758 : Which of the following algortihm uses active time daemon for clock Synchronization

  1. Berkley's Algorithm
  2. Cristian's Algorithm
  3. Lamport's Algorithm
  4. Bully Algorithm

Question 759 : _______of data is a major fault tolerance method in distributed system

  1. Replication
  2. recovery
  3. concurrency
  4. Consistency

Question 760 : In RPC, while a server is processing the call, the client is blocked ____.

  1. unless the client sends an asynchronous request to the server
  2. unless the call processing is complete
  3. for the complete duration of the connection
  4. unless the server is disconnected

Question 761 : Following is concerned with extension and improvements of distributed system -

  1. openness
  2. concurrency
  3. fault tolerance
  4. Resource sharing

Question 762 : ____________ used in replication of stocks

  1. Numerical deviation
  2. Staleness deviation
  3. Ordering deviation
  4. Time deviation

Question 763 : When a cache entry is modified, the new value is immediately set to server for updating master copy of file which cache update policy does this feature belong .

  1. Write through cache
  2. Delayed Write
  3. Instant Write
  4. Periodic Write

Question 764 : ______supports reliable servers for all network clients accessing transparent and homogeneous namespace file locations.

  1. Andrew File System
  2. Distributed management System
  3. Asynchronous system
  4. Synchronous System

Question 765 : Remote write protocol supports all write operations

  1. Need to be forwarded to local server
  2. Need to be forwarded to multiple servers.
  3. Need to be forwarded to any server
  4. Need to be forwarded to a fixed single server.

Question 766 : In wound-wait If a young process wants a resource held by an old process, the young process will _____

  1. Killed
  2. Wait
  3. Preempt
  4. Restarts and wait

Question 767 : Which of the following technique is not used for scheduling process of distributed system.

  1. task assignment approach
  2. load balancing approach
  3. load sharing approach
  4. task management approach

Question 768 : __________ is a process that prevents multiple threads or processes from accessing shared resources at the same time

  1. Deadlock
  2. Critical section
  3. Mutual Exclusion
  4. Message passing

Question 769 : In the token passing approach of distributed systems, processes are organized in a ring structure

  1. Logically
  2. Physically
  3. Both logically and physically
  4. No specific to any structure

Question 770 : What are the advantages of file replication ?

  1. Improves availability &performance
  2. Decreases performance
  3. They are consistent
  4. Improves speed

Question 771 : RMI uses stub and skeleton for communication with the ________

  1. client
  2. remote
  3. server
  4. any

Question 772 : Distributed syatem consists of set of resour

  1. cPrinter
  2. Processor
  3. CD
  4. Processes

Question 773 : Middleware systems follow

  1. middleware solution
  2. specific model
  3. specific architecture style
  4. specific protocol

Question 774 : In distributed systems, election algorithms assumes that _____

  1. a unique priority number is associated with each active process in system
  2. there is no priority number associated with any process
  3. priority of the processes is not required
  4. same priority number is associated to two process at a time

Question 775 : The principal transparency issue related to naming is ______________ transparency.

  1. Replication
  2. Location
  3. Migration
  4. Access

Question 776 : In global google system index of links is also maintained to keep track of

  1. links to a given site
  2. links of user
  3. links to programs
  4. links of user queries

Question 777 : RPC is used to ___________.

  1. establish a server on remote machine that can respond to queries
  2. retrieve information by calling a query
  3. establish a connection to server on remote machine that can respond to queries and retrieve information by calling a query
  4. invoke the method on remote object

Question 778 : For HDFS file system, Point out the correct statement.

  1. Each incoming file is broken into 32 MB by default
  2. Data blocks are replicated across different nodes in the cluster to ensure a low degree of fault tolerance
  3. DataNode is the slave/worker node and holds the user data in the form of Data Blocks
  4. Data blocks are replicated across different nodes in the cluster to ensure a low degree of fault tolerance

Question 779 : The capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called ___________

  1. tolerance
  2. capacity
  3. scalability
  4. heterogeneity

Question 780 : All communication in distributed systems is based on sending and receiving (low level) messages because of

  1. The absence of shared memory
  2. The presence of heterogeneity
  3. The absence of synchronization
  4. The presence of complexities

Question 781 : The ______________ is used to store a constant value that is decided based on the frequency of oscillation of the quartz crystal.

  1. Counter register
  2. Quartz crystal
  3. Constant register
  4. None of the mentioned

Question 782 : Migrating some resources, Suspending the execution, migrating the process and then resuming is known as

  1. post Freezing
  2. Pre Transferring
  3. On demand Exchange
  4. Code migration

Question 783 : File services should be provided across different operating systems and hardware platforms is called as _____.

  1. Openness
  2. Scalability
  3. Reliability
  4. Heterogeneity

Question 784 : When resources have multiple instances ________ is used for deadlock Avoidance.

  1. Bankers algorithm
  2. Resource Allocation Graph
  3. Semaphores
  4. Phishing

Question 785 : The characteristic of distributed system that cares reliability of system so that in case of any failure, system continues to operate properly-

  1. Scalability
  2. Concurrency
  3. Fault tolerance
  4. Openness

Question 786 : If a and b are two events within the same process and a occurs before b, then clock of a is always _______then clock of b

  1. lesser
  2. greater
  3. equal
  4. Cant say

Question 787 : The name space of AFS seen by user processes is a conventional UNIX directory hierarchy, with a specific subtree ----------- containing all of the shared files.

  1. cmu
  2. tmp
  3. root
  4. lib

Question 788 : Which of the following process can be affected by other processes during execution in the system?

  1. init process
  2. child process
  3. parent process
  4. cooperating process

Question 789 : The Stub & Skeleton is used in__________________ Middleware.

  1. RMI
  2. RPC
  3. MOM
  4. web service

Question 790 : In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with ______________

  1. each instruction
  2. each process
  3. each register
  4. Many registers

Question 791 : Which is not an examples of state information ?

  1. Mounting information
  2. Description of HDD space
  3. Session keys
  4. Lock status

Question 792 : Rebooting as a practical recovery technique requires that components are largely

  1. coupled in the sense that there are dependencies between different components.
  2. coupled in the sense that there are no dependencies between different components.
  3. decoupled in the sense that there are few or no dependencies between different components
  4. decoupled in the sense that there are dependencies between different components.

Question 793 : _______socket primitive attach local address to the socket

  1. Accept
  2. Bind
  3. Connect
  4. Listen

Question 794 : How QoS of stream oriented communication is achieved using best-effort delivery service:IP.

  1. By forwarding packets based on giving highest prority to time sensitive packets.
  2. By dropping all the packets when congestion occurs.
  3. By buffering maximum data at the router
  4. By giving same priority to all data packets while forwarding.

Question 795 : ________ primitive associates a local address with the newly-created socket.

  1. Bind
  2. Listen
  3. Send
  4. close

Question 796 : A typical __________ program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them

  1. Client
  2. server
  3. thread
  4. concurrent

Question 797 : The-------------- operation looks for a single part of a pathname in a given directory and returns the corresponding file handle and file attributes.

  1. svmlink
  2. rmdir
  3. Readlink
  4. Lookup

Question 798 : A software that lies between the OS and the applications running on it.

  1. system software
  2. middleware
  3. utility software
  4. Application software

Question 799 : ____are used for signaling among processes and can be readily used to enforce a mutual exclusion discipline.

  1. Semaphores
  2. Messages
  3. Monitors
  4. Addressing

Question 800 : what is mean by MOS?

  1. Multiprocessor operating system
  2. Multicomputer operating system
  3. Middleware operating system
  4. IPC