Distributed Computing MCQ

Question 251 : Type of cluster computing is

  1. Load sharing cluster
  2. Load holding cluster
  3. Load replication cluster
  4. Load balancing cluster

Question 252 : Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of the following?

  1. Data Replication
  2. Horizontal Partitioning
  3. Vertical Partitioning
  4. Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning

Question 253 : ________determines when it will be necessary to transfer the process from one node to another.

  1. Selection policy
  2. Transfer policy
  3. Location policy
  4. Security policy

Question 254 : File accessing models in DFS mainly depends on i): Method used for accessing remote files ii)Unit of data access

  1. Only i
  2. Only ii
  3. Both i and ii
  4. Both i and ii are incorrect

Question 255 : A server changes from the correct flow of control______.

  1. Crash Failure
  2. Byzantine failure
  3. Response Failure
  4. Timing Failure

Question 256 : The process initiated by a method invocation, which may result in further invocations on methods in other objects is called

  1. A creation
  2. An action
  3. A reaction
  4. An invitation

Question 257 : Distributed file system supports i)Remote Information Sharting ii)User Mobility iii)Unavailability iv)Diskless Workstations

  1. i,ii,iii only
  2. ii,iii,iv only
  3. i,ii,iv only
  4. iii and iv only

Question 258 : _____ is a process that prevents multiple threads or processes from accessing shared resources at the same time.

  1. Critical section
  2. Deadlock
  3. Message passing
  4. Mutual Exclusion

Question 259 : Remote login is a best example of ____.

  1. Distributed OS
  2. Disk OS
  3. Network OS
  4. MAC OS

Question 260 : In which OSI layer encryption and decryption happens ?

  1. Application
  2. Presentation
  3. Transport
  4. Data Link

Question 261 : Synchronization tool is?

  1. thread
  2. pipe
  3. semaphore
  4. socket

Question 262 : Utilization rate of resources in an execution model is known to be its -

  1. Adaptation
  2. Efficiency
  3. Flexibility
  4. Dependability

Question 263 : Middleware is an application that logically lives (mostly) in the

  1. application layer
  2. Transport layer
  3. IP packet
  4. Presentation packet

Question 264 : Which of the following are the types of Path names?

  1. absolute & relative
  2. local & global
  3. global & relative
  4. relative & local

Question 265 : __________ mounts, is when a file system can be mounted over another file system, that is remotely mounted, not local.

  1. recursive
  2. cascading
  3. trivial
  4. non recursive

Question 266 : Distributed OS functions on the ________ principle

  1. File Foundation
  2. Single system image
  3. Multi system image
  4. Networking image

Question 267 : The automounter maintains a table of....................... with a reference to one or more NFS servers listed against each.

  1. remote procedure call
  2. mount protocol
  3. Pathnames
  4. Lookup

Question 268 : Distributed pervasive system is also known as

  1. Ubiquitous computing
  2. User Interface design
  3. Graphical User interface
  4. peer to peer system

Question 269 : In NFS, all client-server communication is done through

  1. RPC
  2. RMI
  3. Message Oriented Communication
  4. Streams

Question 270 : The NFS client and server modules communicate using ...................................

  1. remote procedure call
  2. Function
  3. Interrupt
  4. RMI

Question 271 : A system can easily add more users and resources to the system without any noticeable loss of performance is called ______

  1. Geographical scalability
  2. Size scalability
  3. Administative scalability
  4. Financial scalability

Question 272 : This is not a Common mode of communication in Distributed system –

  1. RPC
  2. RMI
  3. Message passing
  4. Shared memory

Question 273 : Which failures Response lies outside a specified time interval

  1. Timing Failure
  2. Omission failure
  3. Crash Failure
  4. Arbitrary Failure

Question 274 : What is interprocess communication?

  1. communication within the process
  2. communication between two process
  3. communication between two threads of same process
  4. Comunication of process

Question 275 : A process can enter into its critical section ____________

  1. anytime
  2. when it receives a reply message from its parent process
  3. when it receives a reply message from all other processes in the system
  4. when it receives a reply message from its child process

Question 276 : Process Fail - Stop in process omission faults

  1. Can be detected in synchronous system.
  2. Can be detected in asynchronous system.
  3. Can be detected in synchronous and asynchronous system.
  4. Can be detected in standalone system.

Question 277 : _________ all related objects moved and left to a server upon the first RPC

  1. Call by value
  2. Call by move
  3. Call by visit
  4. Call by reference

Question 278 : Which of the following variables denote the state of site in Singhals dynamic information structure algorithm

  1. Requesting, Executing, and My_ priority
  2. Requesting, Responsing and My_priority
  3. Requesting, Responsing and Blocked
  4. Requesting, Executing and Blocked

Question 279 : Which is NOT the characteristic of a DFS?

  1. reliability
  2. Scalability
  3. Transperency
  4. Upgradation

Question 280 : HDFS works in a __________ fashion.

  1. master-master
  2. master-slave
  3. slave-slave
  4. None of the above

Question 281 : In HDFS file System, ________ NameNode is used when the Primary NameNode goes down.

  1. Rack
  2. Data
  3. Secondary
  4. primary

Question 282 : What are characteristics of processor in distributed system ?

  1. They vary in size and function
  2. They are same in size and function
  3. They are manufactured with single purpose
  4. They are real-time devices

Question 283 : What does MBR stand for?

  1. Main Buffer Register
  2. Memory Buffer Routine
  3. Main Buffer Routine
  4. Memory Buffer Register

Question 284 : What are the characteristics of data migration?

  1. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
  2. transfer the computation rather than the data
  3. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
  4. execute limited portion of data

Question 285 : When the process issues an I/O request __________

  1. It is placed in an I/O queue
  2. It is placed in a waiting queue
  3. It is placed in the ready queue
  4. It is placed in the Job queue

Question 286 : Process synchronization can be done on which of the following levels

  1. hardware
  2. software
  3. both hardware and software
  4. BIOS

Question 287 : The hardware of DS has two types

  1. multiprocessor system,multicomputer system
  2. multiprocessor system,unicomputer system
  3. uniprocessor system,multicomputer system
  4. uniprocessor system,unicomputer system

Question 288 : UDP is an example of

  1. Persistent asynchronous communication
  2. Persistent synchronous communication
  3. Transient asynchronous communication
  4. Transient synchronous communication

Question 289 : Client Initiated Replicas are used

  1. to improve load balancing
  2. to improve resource sharing
  3. to improve access time to data
  4. to improve the performance

Question 290 : _____ allows multiple computers with diverse hardware, operating system & network to solve complex problem

  1. Cluster computing
  2. Grid computing
  3. Centralized system
  4. Cluster and gri computing

Question 291 : in NFS which funtion is used for creating new file?

  1. open()
  2. create()
  3. develope()
  4. null()

Question 292 : Which algorithms are used for selecting a process to act as coordinator or sequencer? I. Centralized algorithm II. Election algorithm III. Ring algorithm IV. Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm

  1. II and IV
  2. II, III, IV
  3. II and III
  4. II

Question 293 : Why is Lamports algorithm said to be fair?

  1. Time is determined by logical clocks
  2. Time is synchronized
  3. Timestamp ordering is deployed
  4. A request for Critical Section are executed in the order of their timestamps and time is determined by logical clocks.

Question 294 : What is common problem found in distributed system ?

  1. Process Synchronization
  2. Communication synchronization
  3. Deadlock problem
  4. Power failure

Question 295 : A technique that allows more than one program to be ready for execution and provides the ability to switch from one process to another.

  1. multitasking
  2. multiprocessing
  3. multitasking
  4. multiprogramming

Question 296 : Which of the following algorithm is Token Based Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion

  1. Lamport Algorithm
  2. Ricart–Agrawala‘s Algorithm
  3. Suzuki-Kasami‘s Broadcast Algorithms
  4. Maekawa‘s Algorithm

Question 297 : What are the characteristics of computation migration?

  1. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
  2. transfer the computation rather than the data
  3. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
  4. execute an entire process or parts of it at same site

Question 298 : Select the correct sequence for process migration

  1. freezing the process- Transfer the process- forward the message- communicate between cooperating process
  2. Transfer the process- forward the message- communicate between cooperating process-freezing the process
  3. forward the message- communicate between cooperating process-freezing the process- Transfer the process
  4. communicate between cooperating process-freezing the process- Transfer the process- forward the message

Question 299 : In ______________ all the processes submitted by the users are distributed among the nodes of the system so as to equalize the workload among the nodes

  1. Load Sharing
  2. Load Balancing
  3. Task Assignment
  4. Data Parallelism

Question 300 : _______provide gurantee that all members in a process group receive a message

  1. Replication
  2. Reliable group communication
  3. Passive Communiccation
  4. Active communication