Distributed Computing MCQ

Question 501 : Uni processor computing is known as

  1. Centralized Computing
  2. Parallel Computing
  3. Distributed Computing
  4. Grid Computing

Question 502 : Advantage in ___ model is that some of its processors can work as servers, if the load has increased or if more users are logged in and demand new services.

  1. Workstation model
  2. Workstation -server model
  3. Processor-pool model
  4. Client-server model

Question 503 : State whether the following statements are correct for the characteristics of monitor i) The local data variables are accessible not only by the monitorsā€™ procedures but also by the external procedure. ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its procedures. iii) Only one process may be excluded in the monitor at a time.

  1. i and ii only
  2. ii and iii only
  3. i and iii only
  4. All i, ii and iii

Question 504 : If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are ___________________

  1. concurrent
  2. non-concurrent
  3. monotonic
  4. non-monotonic

Question 505 : CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________

  1. multiprocessor systems
  2. multiprogramming operating systems
  3. larger memory sized systems
  4. first-come, first-served scheduling

Question 506 : client-centric consistency provides guarantees for a __________ concerning the consistency of accesses to a data store by that client.

  1. Single Client
  2. Multiple Client
  3. Single Server
  4. Multiple Server

Question 507 : The main disadvantage of P2P model are _______________________ & _______________________.

  1. lack of scalability, high complexity
  2. support for scalability, low complexity
  3. lact of scalability, high simplycity
  4. support for scalability, high simplycity

Question 508 : In which pipeline ,the data between adjacent stages is controlled by handshaking protocol.

  1. Blocking pipeline
  2. Non-blocking pipeline
  3. Asynchronous pipeline
  4. Synchronous pipeline

Question 509 : X.500 is a

  1. directory services
  2. naming services
  3. Replication services
  4. Consistency services

Question 510 : Hide where a resource is located which type of transparency is this?

  1. Location
  2. Migration
  3. Relocation
  4. Access

Question 511 : The type of communication where a sender continues its execution immediately after it has submitted its message for transmission

  1. Transient communication
  2. Persistent communication
  3. Synchronous communication
  4. Asynchronous communication

Question 512 : The ___________________ fault describes the worst possible fault semantics where any type of error may occur.

  1. Timing
  2. Arbitrary
  3. Omission
  4. Non-timing

Question 513 : In NFS,all client-server communication is done through _____________

  1. RPC
  2. RMI
  3. LPC
  4. MPI

Question 514 : _________________ is often used for implementing specialized threads within a process.

  1. Team model
  2. Dispatcher worker model
  3. Pipeline model
  4. Light model

Question 515 : What are the parts of global unique identifier ?

  1. Local unique time stamp
  2. Remote time stamp
  3. Clock number
  4. sequence number

Question 516 : Which issue of distributed system should be perceived as the single entity by the users or the application programmers rather than the collection of autonomous system is cooperating

  1. Openness
  2. Scalability
  3. Security
  4. Transparency

Question 517 : In which file system mapreduce function is used?

  1. AFS
  2. NFS
  3. HDFS
  4. None of the above

Question 518 : __________ is computing form where heterogeneity is key advantage.

  1. Cluster computing
  2. High performance computing
  3. Grid computing
  4. Cluster & grid computing

Question 519 : If processes p and q both receive messages m and m', then p receives m before m' if and only if q receives m before m'.The order delivery is called______________

  1. Absolute ordering
  2. Consistent ordering
  3. Causal ordering
  4. FIFO ordering

Question 520 : Which is the following property of transaction ensures that once transaction commits, the changes are permanent

  1. Atomic
  2. Consistent
  3. Isolated
  4. Durable

Question 521 : What are the characteristics of process migration?

  1. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
  2. transfer the computation rather than the data
  3. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
  4. execute limited portion of data

Question 522 : ________ Property of Distributed System offers services according to standard rules that describe the syntax and semantics of those services

  1. Openness
  2. Transparency
  3. Reliabilty
  4. Scalability

Question 523 : Processes are migrated to fulfill their --------requirements

  1. resource
  2. object
  3. thread
  4. component

Question 524 : A bully election algorithm:

  1. picks the first process to respond to an election request.
  2. relies on majority vote to pick the winning process.
  3. assigns the role of coordinator to the processs holding the token at the time of election.
  4. picks the process with the largest ID.

Question 525 : Type of grid computing is

  1. Collaborative Grid
  2. System Grid
  3. Process Grid
  4. Channel grid

Question 526 : Recart-Agrawala Algorithm is

  1. Election Algorithm
  2. Clock synchronization Algorithm
  3. Mutual Exclusion Algorithm
  4. Event ordering

Question 527 : Synchronization tool is?

  1. thread
  2. pipe
  3. semaphore
  4. socket

Question 528 : To manage replicated data, Front end provides transperancy

  1. by hiding fact that data is replicated.
  2. by issuing requests.
  3. by ensuring about data consistency.
  4. by contacting managers.

Question 529 : Retransmitting a message can be done using...

  1. a single multicast message sent to all processes.
  2. a multiple multicast message sent to all processes.
  3. a single broadcast message sent to all processes.
  4. a unicast message sent to all processes.

Question 530 : ______ algorithm works fine with low latency algorithm.

  1. Berkeley
  2. Lamport's
  3. Vector
  4. Cristian

Question 531 : DUAs include whois, finger, and programs that offer a_____________.

  1. graphical user interface.
  2. system interface.
  3. Local user interface.
  4. global user interface.

Question 532 : The security of a distributed system can be achieved by --------- used for their interactions .

  1. securing the processes and the channels
  2. securing the channels not process
  3. not securing the processes and the channels
  4. securing the processes not the channels

Question 533 : What are the advantages of token(with rings) passing approach ? I. One processor as coordinator which handles all requests II. No starvation if the ring is unidirectional III. There are many messages passed per section entered if few users want to get in section IV. One processor as coordinator which handles all requests V. Only one message/entry if everyone wants to get in

  1. I, II and V
  2. I, II and IV
  3. II, III and IV
  4. II, IV and V

Question 534 : A group server is responsible for_______ & ________ groups

  1. clean and deduct
  2. program and make funtional
  3. create and destroy
  4. advance and fail

Question 535 : Election message is always sent to the process with _____

  1. Lower numbers
  2. Waiting processes
  3. Higher numbers
  4. Requesting Lower number of resources

Question 536 : Which mutual exclusion algorithm works when the membership of the group is unknown?

  1. Centralized.
  2. Ricart-Agrawala.
  3. Lamport.
  4. Token Ring.

Question 537 : In the Bully algorithm, process which is elected as the coordinator is the one having ā€“

  1. Highest process ID
  2. Lowest process ID
  3. Highest timestamp value
  4. Lowest Timestamp value

Question 538 : Hide the failure and recovery of a resource is known as which transparency

  1. Failure
  2. Location
  3. Migration
  4. Relocation

Question 539 : Processor Consistency model guarantees and conforms that

  1. All write accomplished on identical memory location in identical sequence.
  2. All write accomplished on random memory location in random sequence
  3. All write accomplished on random memory location in identical sequence
  4. All write accomplished on identical memory location in random order

Question 540 : In Networking of Computing machine the overall power is

  1. Very less
  2. High
  3. Very high
  4. Average

Question 541 : Messageā€queuing (MQ) systems supports

  1. Transient Synchronous communication
  2. Transient asynchronous communication
  3. Persistent synchronous communication
  4. Persistent asynchronous communication

Question 542 : Multithreading is also called as ____________

  1. Concurrency
  2. Simultaneity
  3. Crosscurrent
  4. Recurrent

Question 543 : In distributed file system, file name does not reveal the fileā€™s

  1. fileā€™s host name need to be changed
  2. fileā€™s host name need to be changed
  3. file name need to be changed
  4. file name need not to be changed

Question 544 : Only one node can be in possession of the privilege (called the privileged node) at any time, except when the privilege is in transit from one node to another in the form of a PRIVILEGE message. This is true for which mutual exclusion algorithm?

  1. Richart Agrawala's algorithm
  2. Maekawa's algorithm
  3. Lamportā€™s algorithm
  4. Raymond Tree based algorithm

Question 545 : Which of the following are the problems of token ring algorithms

  1. Lost token, coordinator crash
  2. Coordinator crash, low efficiency
  3. process crash, low efficiency
  4. Lost token, process crash

Question 546 : Which one in the given list is not a middleware layer protocol?

  1. RPC
  2. UDP
  3. RMI
  4. CORBA

Question 547 : A minimum of _____ variable(s) is/are required to be shared between processes to solve the critical section problem.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Question 548 : Time interval from a request send to its CR execution completed is known as---------

  1. Synchronization delay
  2. System throughput
  3. Message complexity
  4. Response time

Question 549 : ___________ is a set of technologies for copying and distributing data and database objects from one database to another.

  1. Replication
  2. Database Mirroring
  3. Log Shipping
  4. Consistency

Question 550 : The variable that assures local copies are consistent with remote ones is________.

  1. Release
  2. Acquire
  3. Read
  4. Write